Ï Oil-refining products at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan

Oil-refining products at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan

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38 transactions were concluded at the State Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange of Turkmenistan last week.

Businessmen from Russia and the United Arab Emirates purchased polyethylene and polypropylene, businessmen from the UAE and Afghanistan purchased diesel fuel produced at the Seydi oil refinery. Businessmen from the Russian Federation, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, Serbia, Estonia, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan among others purchased Portland cement, colorless heavy sheet glass, cotton yarn and cotton cloth, licorice extract to the total amount of more than US$ 69.716.

Businessmen from the RF, the UK, Turkey and Pakistan purchased cotton yarn, tea beverage with liquorice to the total amount of more than 1.547 million manat.

Turkmen businessmen purchased polypropylene film to the total amount of 82.000 manat.