Ï Turkmen diaspora of Dusti settlement welomes cultural delegation of our country

Turkmen diaspora of Dusti settlement welomes cultural delegation of our country

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Turkmen diaspora of Dusti settlement welomes cultural delegation of our country
Turkmen diaspora of Dusti settlement welomes cultural delegation of our country
Turkmen diaspora of Dusti settlement welomes cultural delegation of our country
Turkmen diaspora of Dusti settlement welomes cultural delegation of our country
Turkmen diaspora of Dusti settlement welomes cultural delegation of our country
Turkmen diaspora of Dusti settlement welomes cultural delegation of our country
Turkmen diaspora of Dusti settlement welomes cultural delegation of our country
Turkmen diaspora of Dusti settlement welomes cultural delegation of our country
Turkmen diaspora of Dusti settlement welomes cultural delegation of our country
Turkmen diaspora of Dusti settlement welomes cultural delegation of our country
Members of our delegation who came to Tajikistan to participate in the Days of Turkmenistan Culture have visited Dusti settlement – the administration centre of Jaykhun region, Khatlon Province.

Dusti has big Turkmen diaspora, which representatives have cordially welcomed the compatriots who arrived in Tajikistan with cultural mission. According to Turkmen tradition, the guests were greeted with national tunes and flaming dances as well as with traditional treat – ‘pishme’.

Celebration concert with the participation of art bands of the settlement as well as Turkmen folk and popular songs, choreographic collectives was held next to cultural club of Dusti.

During the event, representatives of Dusti regional administration expressed the gratitude to Turkmen leader for the initiative to build the school in Ergesh Soltanov Farming association and personal patronage of the construction.

Exposition of the books of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov as well as works of Turkmen poets and writers, children literature, informational materials about our country, its history, archaeological and natural attractions, modern life was expanded in the foyer of cultural club.

Presentation of book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkmenistan – the Heart of the Great Silk Road” was held in the hall of the cultural club. After the ceremony, the meeting of cultural personnel of Turkmenistan with personnel of educational and cultural sphere of Khatlon Province took place followed by the concert of Turkmen – Tajik friendship.

After all planned event, Turkmen delegation was invited to the wedding ceremony, which was held in the atmosphere of Turkmen celebration. Musical present of Turkmen artists who performed kushtdepdy dance was pleasant surprise of just married couple.