Ï Turkmen delegation holds number of meetings in Berlin and Hamburg

Turkmen delegation holds number of meetings in Berlin and Hamburg

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Delegation of our country chaired by Vice-premier, Foreign Minister Rashid Meredov made working visit to Hamburg and Berlin, Germany. The Head of the State was informed about the outcomes of the visit at the session of the Government on November 16.

Representatives of our country took part in the conference organized by the Eastern Committee of German Economy, which has gathered top managers and representatives of big companies, banks, financial and trade institutes of Germany. Number of bilateral meetings including the meeting with Board Chairman of the Eastern Committee of German Economy Wolfgang Büchele took place during the forum where cooperation in such spheres as energy, petrochemical industry, transport and communications and banking sector have been discussed.

German businessmen expressed the interest in development of beneficial partnership in different directions, having highlighted the willingness to participate in the projects of sea water treatment and desalination. It was proposed to hold business forum in February 2019 and to organize the visit of the Board Chairman of the Committee to Turkmenistan in March.

Number of other bilateral meetings including with the State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy of Germany, relative officials in the Department of the Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany took place during the visit where prospects of bilateral cooperation have been discussed. Political consultations with the Federal Ministers of Foreign Affairs of Germany were also held, during which the willingness of both countries to further constructive collaboration including under competent international organizations like the UN, OSCE and EU has been confirmed.

In this regard, the Head of the State noted that Turkmenistan pays great attention to consolidation of traditionally friendly relations with Germany . Reliable political base and considerable legal framework of cooperation, which is successfully developed in bilateral and multilateral formats including under constructive dialog with the European Union, have been established of the past years.

Productive trade and economic relations are also the indicators of high level of interstate cooperation. Our country sees Germany as one of its leading business partners, which is visually indicated by old close contacts with big representatives of German business who express the intent to improve their positions in Turkmen market. Today, Turkmenistan implements large-scale reforming programmes and infrastructural projects, which opens great prospects for efficient consolidation of efforts in various spheres, the Head of the State said.

In this context, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov gave number of specific instructions to relative officials including on improvement of bilateral cultural contacts, organization of German exhibitions in our country, continuation of the demonstration of archaeological exposition “Margiana – the Kingdom of the Bronze Age on the territory of Turkmenistan” in Germany. It was mentioned that cooperation in cultural sphere supports the rapprochement of the states and nations, improvement of fruitful international relations.

The importance in agricultural sector including the procurement of German agricultural equipment, which has recommended itself very well in soil and climate conditions of our country, has also been highlighted.

Having highlighted that Germany takes leading positions in road construction, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov ordered to activate the partnership in this direction for practical application of advanced technologies, innovative developments of German partners including in construction of high-speed roads.

Various branches of national economy including new industrial complexes built in our country are provided with high technology equipment from leading German manufacturers. In this regard, the Head of the State pointed out the necessity to expand the cooperation in this direction.

There are good perspectives for intensification of the contacts between business structures. Thus, Turkmen entrepreneurs widely use German technologies in different spheres of their activity and this positive practice has to be continued, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov said.

In addition, the Head of the State gave instructions on further development of bilateral cooperation in banking sphere as well as on increment of specialized schools with deep study of German language in our country, on consolidation of the relations in improvement of qualification of science and health protection specialist.

The Foreign Ministry was assigned to improve the activity of Joint Turkmen – German Working Group for economic Cooperation and to provide proper level of preparation to the next session.