Ï Top managers of the world oil and gas industry to gather in Ashgabat

Top managers of the world oil and gas industry to gather in Ashgabat

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XXIII International Conference and Exhibition “Turkmenistan Oil and Gas 2018” will be held in Ashgabat on November 20 – 22. It is expected that specialists from many countries including the representatives of oil and gas companies, profile ministries and departments, international organizations and mass media would take part in economic review.

The agenda of the forum will include wide spectrum of subjects of development of the world energy market including oil and gas and their products as well as international cooperation in this sphere. It is planned to organize the discussion on the subject of construction of Turkmenistan – Afghanistan – Pakistan – India gas line.

Special attention will be paid to such subjects as the attraction of investments to oil and gas industry, implementation of innovative technologies to exploration and production of hydrocarbons, the world practice of production of environmentally friendly fuel, diversification of export routes of Turkmen gas, projects of processing of natural gas and making of petrochemical production.