Ï New Year Circus Program delights audience with spectacular circus acts

New Year Circus Program delights audience with spectacular circus acts

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New Year Circus Program delights audience with spectacular circus acts
On New Year’s Eve artists of the Turkmen State Circus treated an audience to a festive show. Little fir trees that appeared in the circus ring turned it into a forest glade, the meeting place for the Dog and the Piglet – two zodiac symbols of the year coming to an end and the year ahead. The Dog did not feel like giving place to the Piglet and they had an argument. The Dog even made an attempt to seek support of the audience, but nobody supported him because everyone looked forward to welcoming the New Year. And then, in lieu of the traditional grand entrance of performers, an exuberant carnival started with the participation of dancers, acrobats, equilibrists and clowns.

Medina Bairamdurdyeva literally flitted in with a white dove sitting on a ring. All the performers, including ballet dancers, in this amazingly beautiful circus act, “Snowflake”, were dressed in snow-white costumes. As if with a wave of magic wands in the hands of trainers Medina and Jeren Chashemova, the doves, which grew in numbers, flew up and obediently sat on the balloons, creating the illusion of a dance. This gave the feeling of winter romance to the performance.

Then followed an act performed by aerialist Liliana Usupova. Having gracefully ascended on an aerial hoop to the circus ceiling, she was performing stunning stunts high in the air with seeming effortlessness as if dancing, making the audience gasp. The high point of the aerial act was when the performer holding herself in the hoop by her toes, greeted the audience, while executing spins.

Bairamdurdy Bairamdurdyevich performed a cowboy-style act, “Whips”, with the assistance of the ballet dancers. Not only did the viewers enjoy the performance, clowns Rovshen Melyaev and Pena Mamedkuliev were so pleased with it that they had an idea of imitating it. It took the audience quite a while to stop laughing at them.

Then, a horse nicknamed Akdag (translates as ‘white mountain’ from the Turkmen language) was circling around the ring with three skillful riders standing upright on its back. Riding at full gallop, they were performing club juggling and jump rope feats.

Watching a performance by circus artist and student of the Institute of Culture Bostan Akmuradova, the audience was left with the feeling that she always has her hula hoops at hand. The gymnast performed an impressive array of breathtaking hula hoop tricks, dancing with them, twirling them around her arms and legs, and forming different shapes and forms with them.

Trained by Elmira Goshaeva, adoring poodle dogs that appeared in the circus ring in elegant skirts brought huge enjoyment and captivated the spectators’ hearts with how diligently they carried out all commands.

As always, acrobats from the Galkynysh Group left a lasting impression on the audience with their amazing agility and equestrian skills. They were performing multiple tricks, while jump roping. It is difficult to understand what serves as a source of inspiration for the artists’ new combinations with two or three jump ropes. Eagerly watching the magnificent performance by the brave riders, the spectators broke into applause.

Well-known rider Serdar Bairamdurdyev in his horse act, “Tailar”, performed as a trainer. Eight equines (four black and four bay horses) entered the ring in New Year outfits: with red tinsel around their necks and red caps on their heads. In the middle of his performance, Serdar put everyone’s nerves on edge, when he ran between the legs of the horses standing in a line.

As always, Akhalteke horses were galloping at full speed around the ring with the riders bravely jumping on their backs and performing astonishing feats. Two stunning female riders astride the horses running at breakneck speed also demonstrated their abilities in a spectacular and thrilling trick riding performance.

A medley of musical compositions by Turkmen and foreign composers, played by the Orchestra under Honored Cultural Worker of Turkmenistan Rovshen Nepesov impressively highlighted the atmosphere of dazzling prowess and New Year wonders.

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