Ï The event in honour of art personnel awarded with titles and prizes is held

The event in honour of art personnel awarded with titles and prizes is held

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The event in honour of art personnel awarded with titles and prizes is held
The event in honour of art personnel awarded with titles and prizes is held
The event in honour of art personnel awarded with titles and prizes is held
The event in honour of art personnel awarded with titles and prizes is held
The event in honour of art personnel awarded with titles and prizes is held
The event in honour of art personnel awarded with titles and prizes is held
The event in honour of art personnel awarded with titles and prizes is held
The event in honour of art personnel awarded with titles and prizes is held
The event in honour of art personnel awarded with titles and prizes is held
The event in honour of art personnel awarded with titles and prizes is held
The Mukams Palace of the capital hosted honouring ceremony of art personnel who was awarded with the titles of Turkmenistan and prize-winners of the contest for the award of the Head of the State Türkmeniň Altyn asyry among literature, culture and art personnel.

Participants of the event have listened greeting message of the President of Turkmenistan addressed to art personnel on occasion of the conferring of honoured titles and Türkmeniň Altyn asyry award.

After, the Order on conferring of honoured titles and Resolution on award of the winners of national contest Türkmeniň Altyn asyry have been read out.

Heads of art collectives, poets and writers, singers and musicians, masters of visual art and representatives of mass media was coming up to the stage one aft another.

Holders of honoured titles and prize-winners of the contest expressed the gratitude to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov for high appraisal of their work and creation of conditions for art activity.

After, celebration activity with participation of popular and young artists – the winners of different art contest as well as dance bands, has been expanded at the stage of the Mukams Palace.

Substantial concert programme reflected the richness and originality of modern Turkmen art, wide range of its genres and performance schools, succession of art traditions.