Ï Jemal Saparova: Pulsation of Talent

Jemal Saparova: Pulsation of Talent

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Jemal Saparova: Pulsation of Talent
Jemal Saparova: Pulsation of Talent
Jemal Saparova: Pulsation of Talent
Jemal Saparova: Pulsation of Talent
Jemal Saparova: Pulsation of Talent
Jemal Saparova: Pulsation of Talent
Jemal Saparova: Pulsation of Talent
Jemal Saparova: Pulsation of Talent
“On my birthday I had a telephone call from the Cabinet of Ministers. They wished me a happy 60th birthday, passed on birthday greetings from the head of state, and invited me to an evening event organized in my honor. The exciting news took me by surprise. How will I get everything prepared for the evening since I do not perform on my own, but with an ensemble made up of 20 musicians and 60 dancers?!”, - People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Jemal Saparova with a smile on her face recollects the evening of music that recently took place at the Magtymguly Turkmen National Music and Drama Theater.

My worries proved unfounded. Enthusiastic dancers took on the role of workmen loading and unloading the instruments, when transporting them to the venue, even though they had no time for their pre-performance warm-up routine. Despite the hasty behind-the-scene preparations, everything was going exceptionally well on stage and to the very highest standards. The singer, celebrating her birthday, once again delighted the audience with her outstanding vocal talent and distinctive personal singing style, and the dancers of the Dokmachylar Ensemble aroused intense emotions in everyone. The fellow ensemble members offered their warmest birthday wishes to Jemal Saparova and devoted their songs and dances to her as gifts. Bouquets of flowers and happy smiles all around added to the festive atmosphere and cheer.

- Jemal Saparovna, those who have made a successful professional career always attract much interest. Let’s say, not all artistically talented people reach the top of their profession.

I was born in an outlying village in Akhal velayat. Once, while playing the dutar, my paternal uncle saw me crawling on a felt rug in time to the music (I could not walk yet at that time). “She will be an artist!” he said and his words proved prophetic. The word ‘Artist’ has become my other name since then.

- When did you feel like a true artist for the first time?

- I first performed in public in a school amateur performance, when I was seven. I was the only first-grade student to take to the stage and sing a song called ‘My School’. It was the first time I had won a round of applause from the audience. For an encore, I sang another song, ‘White Cotton’. The recognition of my vocal talent eventually determined my destiny. I took part in all city, regional, and republican competitions for amateur performers. I went to cultural college after school and then continued my education at Ashgabat Agricultural Institute (now Turkmen Agricultural University). Famed for its amateur talent activities, the institution became a springboard for many vocalists, instrumentalists and dancers for their professional career in music.

- You have a rich resonant singing voice that mesmerizes and entrances audiences...

- I regard my voice as a God-given gift and I feel it is my duty to take care of it. A singer’s vocal cords need special care and that is why I almost never eat ice cream. When it is hot, I stay away from air conditioners and avoid cold drinks. And undoubtedly, I would not have established myself as a singer without diligence and patience my parents cultivated in me.

- How did you come up with an idea of starting an ensemble of a whole new kind?

- Shortly after the country’s independence, reviving traditions, including musical ones, was seen as a key instrument for promoting national culture. As a singer and bagshi, I was offered to form a folk song and dance ensemble. It was an honor to do this and it would help to expand creative horizons.

I invited young talented dancers and musicians. With a big number of applicants, the audition process was scrupulously careful and painstaking. Together with a choreographer, we trained the new members so intensely that only those who had great physical endurance and determination did not give up. Among them was my daughter, Merjen, who had performed with the Shatlyk Ensemble.

We realized that not only should our costumes be stylistically cohesive but they should be part of the ensemble’s distinctive identity. We worked together with Merjen in this direction. She was in close contact with designers of the Ashgabat Fashion House, selected keteni (a traditional handmade silk fabric) and national jewelry, and looked for skillful embroiderers to create unique ornamental motifs.

Soon our ideas were put into practice. When the ensemble went on overseas concert tours, our performances were always a notable success. By now, we have visited nearly all European countries, as well as Japan and China. This is also our native country’s success. The Germans, Dutch, French and many other nations were captivated not only by our performances, but also by jewelry artfully crafted by Turkmen zergers (jewelers). “Is this made of real silver?! they asked with delight. – Yes, it is silver gilt. - Do you buy such expensive jewelry on your own? - No, this is a gift from our President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.” These dialogues still take place when we are on tours.

At first, our dancers performed dances to dutar (long-necked two-stringed lute) and gijak (fiddle) accompaniment. I subsequently included tambourine, accordion, clarinet and violin. This helped to create a wider range of tones and add a rich array of new sounds to national melodies. I have been the leader of the Dokmachylar Ensemble for nearly 28 years and I am proud that my work has earned high praise. I have been given the honorary title of People’s Artist of Turkmenistan and awarded the Garaşsyzlyk Order and Altyn Asyr Order (Class III), the Magtymguly International Prize and the Magtymguly Pyragy Medal. I have been a recipient of the Türkmeniň Altyn Asyry Prize of the President of Turkmenistan more than once. But the highest award for me is our ensemble’s impressive achievements.

- What would you like to wish young performers?

- If you are naturally gifted, work hard to make the most of your talent, create, experiment and be totally dedicated to your much-loved profession!

Back in the past, the talented singer Jemal Saparova was entrusted with the task of forming a folk ensemble that would celebrate our beautiful country, its rich history, diverse culture, and talented people through the language of art. She has brilliantly succeeded in putting the idea into action. Each performance of the ensemble led by her is a vivid illustration of the fact that music is a medium, pulsating with life, new ideas and inspiration, in which traditions enrich and continue to live on.