Ï The Commodity and Raw Material Exchange of the country to switch to electronic work format

The Commodity and Raw Material Exchange of the country to switch to electronic work format

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At the session of the Government on November 1, Vice-premier Chary Gylyjov informed the Head of the State about improvement of activity of the State Commodity and Raw Material Exchange according to the Concept of Digital Economy.

In this context, the Vice-premier presented proposals for modernization of work of the SCRMET in two phases.

At the first stage, it is planned to make conditions for registration services at the exchange in electronic format via internet, which will give opportunity of provision of such services online. Using modern methods of document management, this system will support enhancement of work production, fast registration of contracts and establishment of electronic database.

At the second stage, it is planned to implement exchange trades by digital system in online mode. It will allow participating in the trades without actual presence at the exchange from any part of the world and will serve to significant increment of buyers and formation of optimum prices for commodities and increment of export volumes.

In this regard, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted the importance of digitization of all branches of national economy for rapid development of national economy and further strengthening of international cooperation. It was highlighted that it would support the solution of current objectives in accordance with international practice and existing legislation.