Ï The Institute of Chemistry is the first of scientific and research institutes to start functioning on a self-supporting basis

The Institute of Chemistry is the first of scientific and research institutes to start functioning on a self-supporting basis

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The concepts and programmes of the state and development give an important role to innovative way of development of the economy, which is based on deep theoretical knowledge and wide practical experience, which are combined in effective technologies.

The Head of the State highlights that innovative economy is investment to unbreakable qualitative renovation of all economic processes and segments. Scientific and research institutes oriented to applied targets, industrial innovative clusters and technological centres as incubators of rational ideas, proposals and breakthrough projects are integral parts of the infrastructure of such economy.

For improvement of the role of the Academy of Sciences in the economy of Turkmenistan, provision of competiveness of scientific achievements and development of activity of scientific and research institutes on integrated basis, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has signed the Resolution, according to which budget financing of scientific and research institutes of the Academy of Sciences would be ceased within three years starting from 2019.

According to the document, the institutes of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, which carry out scientific and research studies, are allowed to use received profit for financing of their own expenses.

Adaption of scientific institutes to market conditions including through gradual change of organization format to self-sustainable basis will allow using labour, financial and material resources more effectively, cooperating with business and investors more actively, diversifying research, project, engineering and technological works.

As of January 1, 2020, the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan was one of the first scientific and research institutes of the country, which started operating on self-sustainable base. According to new structure, divisions of the Institutes include four laboratories and four departments, which have been transferred to self-financing by fulfilment of work and service orders.

Partially, the Institute has started operating on self-sustainable basis back in 2014. Back then, volumes of income from services on contractual basis was 1 million manats. In 2019, this indicators has grown up to 4,365,000 manats. It indicates visual progress, which was achieved by the institute in transit to self-financing.

Turkmenistan has big reserves of various mineral resources, natural gas, gas condensate and oil. The Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan carries out versatile activity for creation of scientific bases of integrated processing of mineral, hydromineral and hydrocarbon material as well as for training of qualified specialists for universities and chemical industry.

Today, 13 candidates and 2 doctors of science including one corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan work in the Institute. 145 candidate and 13 doctors of science have been trained for the years of work of the Institute.

Until present time, scientists of the Institute of Chemistry have published more than 1,450 scientific articles, 18 monographs, 35 books, received more than 130 authors’’ certificates and patents. The focus in all publication has been made on introduction of economically beneficial developments based on use of local raw material and advanced technologies.

The Institute conducts researches on improvement of technology of processing of oil and gas, study of chemical composition, physical and chemical characteristics of hydro mineral materials of the country, development of scientific base for production of competitive production, solution of ecological problems.

Scientists of the Institute solve not only scientific objectives but also successfully apply their development at industrial facilities.

For example, technology for production of high purity epsomite has been introduced at Garabogazsulphat production Association. Installation for iodizing of table salt has been made at Guvyildyz Factory. Technology for production of calcium hypochlorite, which was developed by scientists, is successfully implemented at Hazar Chemical Plant for many years. Production of organic mineral fertilizers has been arranged at Turkmenabat chemical facility. Technology for production of soda ash and coagulant (ferrous sulphate) has been introduced at MaryAzot Production Association with assistance of specialists of the Institute.

Ecological condition of Altyn Asyr Turkmen Lake and Sarykamysh Lake has been studied and assessment of soil salinity with drainage waters has been made based on chemical researches of scientists. Works for study of ecological condition of soil, water and air of Ashgabat are continued, analyses of various oils, chemical agents, oil production, fertilizers and other materials are carried out.

Many development of chemists have been introduced and are implemented not only chemical but other industries of Turkmenistan like oil and gas sphere, energy, construction industry, which give big economic benefit.

Participation in annual scientific works contest among the youth of Turkmenistan is an example of active involvement of young personnel in the process of research works.

The Institute also expands international partnership with leading producers of high technology scientific and laboratory equipment. Video conferences with specialists of Japan Tokyo Boeki are held regularly where expansion of opportunities of use of latest laboratory equipment in further research activity of the Institute are reviewed.

The Institute has electronic microscopes, chromatographs, magnetic resonance and other instruments, which helps to conduct an elementary analysis of substances and define its chemical structure.

Team of the Institute of Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan is full with ideas and enthusiasm. Young scientists and engineers listed to advices of their experienced mentors with keen attention.

Financial sustainability of studies is one of important objectives President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov sets to national scientists in order to make deserved contribution to development of national economy. Work of the Institute is supported by wise management as thoroughly developed marketing strategy allows achieving dynamically growing financial indicators.

Starting of operation of self-sustainable basis of scientific and research institutes will make positive effect not only on the results of activity of any institute but also seeks for targets in macroeconomic scale of the country, in particular methodological and statistical targets. It includes necessity of price evaluation of production made by scientific sector.

According to traditional methodology, it was always thought that the cost is made only in the branches, which perform physical transformation of production, for example, in production branches (its make), in transport spheres (physical movement), etc. Relatively, production of other branches has not been taken into consideration during calculation of national income of the country.

Turning of production of scientific organizations into commodity, the opportunity to estimate its cost using contractual price, therefore, having made prepositions of its accounting in the amount of national income of the country.