Ï Conference topic: "Conservation and sustainable use of the deserts of Turkmenistan"

Conference topic: "Conservation and sustainable use of the deserts of Turkmenistan"

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Conference topic: "Conservation and sustainable use of the deserts of Turkmenistan"

On December 21, 2021, videoconferences were held in the conference Hall of the Yildiz hotel with the participation of international experts in the framework of the joint project of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan (MAHiOOST) and the Michael Zukkov Foundation for Nature Conservation (MSF, Germany) “Central Asian Initiative on deserts "-" Conservation and sustainable use of the deserts of Turkmenistan "(CADI / CADI).

Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Environmental Protection of Turkmenistan and its subordinate structures, as well as specialists of the Secretariat of the National Commission for UNESCO in Turkmenistan, experts of this project were invited to the videoconference.

A joint project of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Michael Zukkov Foundation is being successfully implemented in Turkmenistan. Since 2018, in three desert reserves (Bereketli Garagumsky, Repeteksky and Gaplangyrsky), complex expeditions were carried out to inventory biodiversity to update data and use reliable scientific material in the preparation of the serial transnational object "Turanian Deserts of the Temperate Zone". for nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The conference discussed five-year management plans for reserves, which are a necessary component of the nomination dossier "Turanian deserts of the temperate zone". To strengthen the potential of the departments of science and protection, improve scientific research, conduct regular monitoring, desert reserves were provided with additional technical equipment, field equipment. The project has created and equipped the Information Visitor Center "Nature of the Karakum" in the Scientific and Experimental Center Calysh Bereketli of the Garagum State Natural Reserve.

The project activities will end with the submission of the nomination dossier of the serial transnational site "Turanian Deserts of the Temperate Zone" for nomination to the UNESCO World Heritage List in January 2022.

Shirin Karryeva,

  head of the project "Central Asian Desert Initiative" - "Conservation and Sustainable Use of the Deserts of Turkmenistan".