Ï Round II of the "Young Messengers of the World" project named the winners

Round II of the "Young Messengers of the World" project named the winners

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Round II of the "Young Messengers of the World" project named the winners

The Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan hosted the second round of the intellectual competition "Young Messengers of the World" among the country's high school students, representatives of the School of Young Diplomats of the university. The topic of the next stage of the project was “Diplomacy and diplomatic traditions of the Parthian and Hunnish states”.

The event began with an exciting excursion for all participants to the State Museum of the State Cultural Center of Turkmenistan. Here, schoolchildren were presented with a unique collection of exhibits related to the era of the Parthian and Hunnic states. Ancient archaeological finds, museum values, testifying to the richness of the national history, culture, traditions of the people, aroused keen interest of the participants in the thematic competition from the capital and the velayats of the country.

Then the competition itself unfolded, already within the walls of the institute, where all the decoration reflected the given theme in the best way and thereby added to the students the fullness of positive emotions and impressions brought from the museum. There is an impromptu White yurt, decorated in the spirit of the Parthian and Huns times. It was traditionally decorated with national carpets and rugs - indispensable attributes of every Turkmen home. The focus of attention, of course, is the rhytons - unique, world-famous masterpieces of Parthian art.

In the atmosphere of a real celebration of history, the guys actively took part in the action, answered questions, delighted and delighted the jury and the organizers of the project with their deep knowledge of the topic. Eight pupils of 9-11 grades of secondary schools of Ashgabat, as well as Mary, Balkan and Dashoguz velayats competed for the right to win in the 2nd stage of the competition.

So, before the evaluation committee was faced with a difficult choice, according to the terms of the competition, it was necessary to determine only two of the best participants in the tour. As a result, the winners were Ykhlas Khallyev, a 10th grade student of the capital's specialized music boarding school at the Turkmen National Conservatory named after M. Kuliyeva and Ainur Dovletyarov, a 10th grade student of a specialized secondary school No. 8 with in-depth study of foreign languages in Kunyaurgench, Dashoguz velayat.

As prizes, the winners were awarded tablets from the Economic Society "Aýdyň gijeler", the children also received the right to participate in the final stage of the competition. Memorable souvenirs from other sponsors and certificates from the IMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country were received by all the participants of the event.

According to the project plan, 6 more main rounds of the competition will be held until May next year, inclusively. Likewise, at the end of each of them, two winners will be named. Then, with their participation, the final IX and X stages will take place, which will determine the three finalists of the project.

Each tour of the spectacular and interesting intellectual competition for high school students "Young Messengers of the World" will be broadcast on the national TV channel "Miras".