Ï Labour achievements of carpetmakers

Labour achievements of carpetmakers

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Labour achievements of carpetmakers

The friendly and hardworking carpetmakers craftswomen of the Halach art carpetmaking enterprise of the State Association “Türkmenhaly”, promoting an ancient craft of our grandmothers, successfully finished 2021 year. As a result of the properly organization and hard work of the carpetmakers, the high-quality carpets and carpeting were made during the year for amount of 20 million 694 thousand 223 manat, that exceeded the yearly production plan. This index shows that the enterprise’s growth rate makes up 106 percent. Total 10 thousand 407 square meters of carpet and carpeting was made in the enterprise this year. By the way, it is worthy to note that the Halach art carpetmaking enterprise is the largest carpetmaking enterprise in our country, approximately 2 thousand 300 craftswomen work here.

The Turkmen carpet making art, which reached perfection thanks to talent and diligence of our grandmothers, left to the descendants as an inappreciable cultural heritage, is an integral part of the world culture. The decision, made during the UNESCO 14th Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage concerning inscribing the traditional Turkmen carpet making art on the Lists of Intangible Cultural Heritage, is a tribute in the world level to the national heritage, honorary work for centuries of our craftswomen.

Häzirki wagtda halkymyzyň medeni özboluşlylygyny şöhlelendirýän, ýurdumyzyň durmuş – ykdysady ýörelgeleriniň aýrylmaz bölegi bolan halyçylyk sungatynyň ösmegi üçin giň mümkinçiliker döredilýär. Öz köklerini gadymyýetiň çuňlugyndan alyp gaýdýan, halkymyzyň taryhyny, ruhy – ahlak gymmatlyklaryny özünde jemleýän, berkligi, nepisligi, gözelligi babatda dünýäde deňi – taýy bolmadyk halyçylyk sungaty Berkarar döwletimiziň bagtyýarlyk döwründe täze röwşe eýe boldy. Together with the ancient samples of carpet art reflecting the national soul, melody of heart of Turkmen women, beautiful Turkmen nature, the new samples of carpets of different size, different type, are made, showing the high spirit, rapid development of our country in the epoch of happiness, changing appearance of our Motherland with each passing day.

Production in the Halach art carpetmaking enterprise along with the carpets of traditional size, of the large carpets with the new patterns of “göl”, round, trapeze carpets according to the building size, is a vivid testimony of the above said. It is proudly to note that the values of our national heritage - horjun, women’s bags, gapylyk and other various types of souvenir carpets and carpeting are also produced in the enterprise.