Ï Learning foreign languages

Learning foreign languages

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Learning foreign languages

The topic "Innovative methods of teaching foreign languages" was devoted to the educational and methodological seminar held at the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan. The meeting was organized by teachers of the Department of World Languages of the Higher School of Diplomacy and held as part of the implementation of the national Concept for improving the teaching of foreign languages in Turkmenistan.

The event was held with the participation of representatives of a number of universities and teachers of secondary schools in the capital. In particular, teachers of the Department of World Languages of the IMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country, the International University for the Humanities and Development, a graduate student of the Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after D. Azadi, the coordinator of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) in Turkmenistan and others spoke during the meeting.

After exchanging views on current methods of teaching foreign languages and their effectiveness, the participants of the seminar proceeded to discuss the next plans for the development and application of advanced teaching practices for different age categories of students.

As part of the thematic conversation, teachers also exchanged their experience in organizing classes, focusing on the forms of education, principles and methods of presenting educational material, which turned out to be the most productive. In this context, it was said about the use of interactive and information technologies, various video and audio materials, the Internet in the classroom. It was noted that the organization of a "live" dialogue during classes - discussions, debates dedicated to the topic of stage productions, joint learning of songs, poems also significantly increases the comprehensibility of educational material.

In the modern system of national education, a special role is assigned to the active study of foreign languages. The latest methods are being created, curricula and training programs are being improved, the best world experience in this direction is being studied and successfully applied in practice. The process of teaching and in-depth study of foreign languages in an updated format covers all educational institutions of the country. The work is carried out within the framework of the above-mentioned Concept for improving the teaching of foreign languages in Turkmenistan, adopted in December 2017.