Ï Courses for young lawyers successfully completed in Turkmenistan

Courses for young lawyers successfully completed in Turkmenistan

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A special training course on International Investment Arbitration, organized on the initiative of the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan jointly with the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country, was successfully completed for a team of young lawyers from Turkmen universities.

The audience of students of special classes were young teachers of law, students of the IV-V courses of specialized areas of study of the Turkmen State University named after Makhtumkuli, the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and the International University for the Humanities and Development.

The courses were held in Turkmen and English according to the program and plans developed by the organizers by specialists from the Ministry of Justice of Turkmenistan, international lawyers, professors and teachers of the relevant faculties of universities.

The content of the classes included the study of the doctrine of international arbitration, the international and national legal framework, as well as judicial practice, the stages of arbitration proceedings, the rules for establishing an arbitration court, the principles of financing cases and collecting evidence, organizing court hearings, etc.

Participation in the training allowed young lawyers to significantly improve their professional knowledge, improve their qualifications in the field of jurisprudence, study in depth the features and practice of international commercial and investment arbitration.

The participants of the special training, which started in October last year, were awarded certificates of successful completion of the courses.

Recall that information about the organization of special courses on international investment arbitration for young lawyers was announced at a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of the country, held on October 15, 2021. During the meeting, Hero-Arkadag, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov emphasized the exceptional importance attached to the training of young highly qualified specialists in all areas, in particular, in jurisprudence. It was also noted that the high level of training of young lawyers, their in-depth knowledge of international law will largely contribute to the resolution of disputes arising with foreign investors in favor of the state.