Ï The first graduation of masters at the IMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country

The first graduation of masters at the IMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country

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The first graduation of masters at the IMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country

The Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan hosted the first graduation of masters who successfully completed their studies at the university.

The day before, graduates of the master's program passed the state exams and defended their theses. The Higher School of Diplomacy has trained 31 masters who have been trained at the university in three areas: "Public International Law", "Private International Law" and "Digital Diplomacy".

On this occasion, a large festive event was organized at the institute with the participation of the leadership, representatives of the teaching staff, the country's Foreign Ministry and, of course, the graduates of the university themselves. Warm words of gratitude, congratulations and parting words were addressed to the young specialists. The main part of the event was the graduation ceremony.

The training of master’s in public international law, private international law and digital diplomacy is due to their high demand in the modern diplomatic environment, the relevance and active development of these areas of international relations.

In this regard, in the IMO of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country in the 2021-2022 academic years, for the first time, training was launched at the second stage of higher education - a master's degree. The educational program is designed for one academic year. It is intended for bachelors, young professionals of state institutions and non-governmental organizations specializing in international relations and seeking to obtain an in-depth legal education.

The master's course was composed of disciplines introduced into education, taking into account the best international experience and innovative national practice in the field of law. Among them: Law of international treaties; Law of international organizations; Fundamentals and methods of scientific research; The practice of concluding foreign economic contracts; Comparative civil and criminal law; International investment law; Legal support of international projects and energy business, etc.

The students were provided with individual practical, group tasks with the participation of experts from government agencies, as well as joint discussions, discussions on the topics of situations arising in practice and their resolution.

An important component of the master's program is research activity. Within its framework, the attention of undergraduates was focused on topical issues of international law, the universal system of human rights protection, international legal regulation in the field of ecology, healthcare, education, international legal means of resolving international disputes, the relationship between international legal norms and domestic legislation in the field of administrative, civil, economic, family law, etc.

During their studies, undergraduates also got the opportunity to participate in the work of thematic international and national scientific and practical conferences, scientific events, as well as practice on the basis of the Scientific and Methodological Center for Sustainable Development Goals, the Training Center for priority areas of diplomacy of Turkmenistan, the Scientific Center for Strategic Studies, located in the IMO MFA.

Representatives of the Higher School of Diplomacy express confidence that the knowledge, skills, experience, and high qualifications gained by the masters will serve to further develop the successful and productive interaction of our country with foreign partners, promote international initiatives of Turkmenistan aimed at strengthening and achieving global peace, security and stability.