On October 12, the Alexander Pushkin Joint Turkmen-Russian Secondary School hosted a day of “Pushkin’s Boldin Autumn”. The period of 1830 proved to be very productive and it was a bright page in the life of the greatest poet.
The event started with the ceremony “Initiation into the Pushkin’s group” marking entrance into a school society that was held in the school library. More than forty young fans of Alexander Sergeevich’s work learned his biography, were acquainted with the poet’s works and received special commemorative badges.
Then, the Readers Contest “Boldino Autumn-2022” was held in the Assembly Hall. Young talents very expressively performed for the public the works created by Pushkin in Boldino. There were 12 first-formers, as well as students of the second, third and fourth grades among those performed.
After the end of the contest, one of the participants, Orazdurdiyev Ayhan, a student of the 1st “G” form, shared in thoughts about preparation for the competition.
Ayhan went on stage in the image of Pushkin and read the work “The Page, or the Fifteenth Year” for the public. The poem, like many of his other works, the poet dedicated to the wonderful feeling of love. Orazdurdiyev addressed the contest guests in French, which was adopted by the Russian nobility in the eighteenth century, becoming the unofficial language of the aristocracy. The boy’s mother and teachers of French and Acting Skills contributed much to prepare the performance.
“I chose this work because it is close to me in content and emotional intensity, and also allows me to demonstrate my skills of French”.
The winners of the contest will be announced on Friday.