Ï Creative dedications to the new city of Arkadag

Creative dedications to the new city of Arkadag

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Creative dedications to the new city of Arkadag

During the celebration of the national holiday of Gurban bayram (Eid al-Adha), an important historical event will take place in Turkmenistan - the opening ceremony of the city of Arkadag.

On the occasion of this occasion, at the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan announced a creative competition «Bagt şäheri - Arkadag».

The director of the State Drama Theatre of the Balkan Velayat named after S. Turkmenbashy Ovezmammet Galandarov approached participation in the competition with great enthusiasm.

In addition to theatrical activities, the director manifests himself as a writer and playwright. Especially for the competition for the best play, he wrote his new stage works: «Bagt şäheri - Arkadag» and «Harran söweşi».

What these dramatic works tell about, what issues they touch on and what makes them special, we learned from the author.

- Ovezmammet Esenmammedovich, please share with our readers a summary of the play «Bagt şäheri - Arkadag». What events is it dedicated to?

– The motto of this year became an inspiration for me when writing the work «Bagt şäheri – Arkadag»: «Happy youth with Arkadag Serdar». And, of course, the fact that a city of national importance being built near the capital of Turkmenistan is a unique project based on a digital platform and the latest technological solutions of the 21st century.

The protagonist of the play is a young man Ylham. He was born in Ashgabat, from childhood he was distinguished by curiosity and dreamed of building a modern aircraft. Growing up, he became a student at the Oguzhan Engineering and Technology University.

Once, at a scientific conference of young scientists, Ylham met the journalist Ayjemal, who became interested in the young man's new projects. For the heroes, this meeting was fateful.

Inspired by sympathy for Ayjemal, the young scientist creates the latest Robot. Test tests of an automated device with artificial intelligence are taking place in the city of Arkadag, which is under construction.

After successfully passing the tests of the Robot, which received the abbreviation «BŞA», which stands for «Bagt şäheri - Arkadag», mass production of these models begins in Turkmenistan. Now Ylham's invention is being used in consumer services, parking lots, cafes, hospitals, public transport companies and a number of other smart city enterprises.

And the happy Ylham celebrates his wedding with Ayjemal, which coincided with the opening ceremony of the first stage of the city of Arkadag.

–Thanks for such a detailed answer. I hope that soon one of the theater venues in our country will be able to see your new play. Ovezmammet Esenmammedovich, in addition to modern topics, you do not disregard historical topics. What is the story of the play «Harran söweşi» about?

– The basis of the work «Harran söweşi» is the book of the National Leader of the Turkmen people Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov «Mertler Watany beýgeldýär». This thoughtful literary work of the Hero-Arkadag contains a lot of important historical information.

The perfection of the military art of our ancestors was proved in the conflict between the Roman Empire, which was considered the most powerful state of that time, and the great Parthian state, whose capital was the city of Nisa.

I will not reveal all the burning themes of this play. I believe that soon the best stage works and poems sent to the contest «Bagt şäheri - Arkadag» will be available to a wide range of readers.

- Then, taking this opportunity, say a few words about the upcoming holiday - the Day of workers of culture and art, as well as the poetry of Magtymguly Pyragy.

– Today, on the eve of the opening of the new city of Arkadag, we, theatrical figures, are very pleased that, along with the advent of a modern city, another city is being born in our country theater. As is known, the building of the new State Drama Theatre will be named after Aman Gulmammedov.

I have already started writing a new stage work called «Sungata örklenen ömür», dedicated to the life and work of a famous artist, playwright and director who made an invaluable contribution to the Turkmen theatrical art.