Ï Festive events on the occasion of Day of Knowledge and Student Youth

Festive events on the occasion of Day of Knowledge and Student Youth

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Festive events on the occasion of Day of Knowledge and Student Youth

In all educational institutions of Turkmenistan, the first bell, which announced the beginning of new academic years 2023-2024 sounded on September 1.

By tradition, the first day of golden autumn started with a flower-laying ceremony at the Monument of Independence and the monument to Berdimuhamed Annayev established at high school № 27 of the village Yzgant in Gokdepe etrap of Akhal velayat.

In commemoration of Day of Knowledge and Student Youth in all secondary schools and higher educational establishments solemn morning ceremonies where a congratulatory message of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov wishing the younger generation a good journey into the world of knowledge and big discoveries, was read, took place.

The first lesson - a lesson of high patriotism and humanism was devoted to the year “The happy youth with Arkadag Serdar” and upcoming significant date - 32nd anniversary of sacred independence of Turkmenistan, with which all its achievements and successes are inseparably linked.

One of the priority directions of the progressive policy of our country - education of the younger generation with based on national and universal values and in this connection, a special significance is attached to perfection of the educational system, which is considered as main basis for further development of society and the state.

The Era of Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State became time of dynamic advancement of our country on the path of progress caused by growth of level of knowledge, education and introduction of scientific and technical innovations. In recent years in Turkmenistan, a wide network of modern educational institutions equipped with the latest computer technologies and multimedia systems has been created.

By the established a noble tradition the opening of architectural projects were timed to the beginning of the new academic year in all regions of the country. Deputies of the Mejlis, members of the Khalk Maslakhaty in velayats, etraps, and cities, representatives of local executive power and public organisations, honourable elders, numerous residents of cities and villages took part in celebrations.

The particular attention was given to issues of education, training and as a whole harmonious development of the younger generation since the earliest age during the building of the new city of Arkadag, where the opening of some educational institutions - specialised teaching and educational complex, three schools and nine kindergartens took place today.

In children's day nurseries, kindergartens, each of which is designed for 320 children, the most favourable conditions were created. According to age categories of children in two-storey buildings, cosy group premises are equipped with convenient furniture, educational aids, and toys. Here ample opportunities for musical, creative and sports classes, teaching foreign languages, labour skills are provided.

Specialized teaching and educational complex № 1, including preschool and school departments for 320 and 720 children accordingly fully meet modern requirements in the sphere of education.

Specialised schools № 2, 3, 4 with profound study of English language, where training is conducted from 1st to 12th forms, are designed for 720 children each. At 11th -12th forms schoolchildren are trained in the chosen area: exact, natural, social sciences and humanities.

At the schools connected to the internet network, all conditions for research and creative activity, labour skills of schoolchildren were created.

Today, in the city of Arkadag, the specialized school of arts named after Sahy Jepbarov and children's school of arts named after Shukur bagshy hospitably opened their doors wide for children as well. Their opening became one more visual evidence of large scale work carried out in Turkmenistan for development of culture and art.

Thanks to the educational policy of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, in Turkmenistan large-scale work is carried out for revival and deep study of rich history, original traditions and rich spiritual heritage of the nation. To the compatriots, who at various times brought their powerful personal contribution to political, social and economic, cultural development of our fatherland, a tribute of respect is paid and their memories is immortalized. So, names of outstanding persons, well-known musicians of Turkmenistan - Sahy Jepbarov and Shukur bagshy, professional and life path of whom serves for the youth as a great example, were given to two schools of arts.

At the specialized school of arts named after Sahy Jepbarov designated for 240 children, there are more than 50 educational classrooms, premises for storage of musical instruments and concert costumes, special classrooms equipped for teaching information technology and digital systems, rooms of choreographic art and dance halls, a conference hall and a concert hall for 250 places, audio-equipped educational and workrooms for sound recording, a sports complex, a hall and fields for sports trainings, other objects. Here a special workshop, completed with modern process equipment for repair, adjustment, tuning and restoration of musical instruments also functions.

The school provides vocational training of children in such areas, as Turkmen national musical instruments, national musical instruments, string musical instruments, wind and percussion musical instruments, singing art, art of bagshy, piano, musical training, choral conducting, history and music theory, choreographic art, variety art, painting, sculpture, design.

The children's school of arts named after Shukur bagshy is also designated for 240 children. Here talented children, wishing to learn musical instruments, singing, dance, theatrical art, graphic, national and applied art are taught according to established rules and confirmed curricula.

In the new educational institution, all conditions for organisation of educational process, educational work and conduction of cultural actions at high level are created. At the disposal of schoolchildren - classes and rooms equipped with modern profile technologies, innovative devices and manuals.

An important event of this year, which passes under the motto “The happy youth with Arkadag Serdar”, became a stone laying ceremony of a complex of buildings of Turkmen state teacher training institute named after Seyitnazar Seydi for 5000 students in the city of Turkmenabat of Lebap velayat and new additional complexes of buildings of the State energy institute of Turkmenistan in the city of Mary.

Construction of these projects is carried out according to Resolutions of the President of Turkmenistan, within the framework of conducted large-scale work on further development of the national educational sphere and strengthening of its technical and material basis.

The total area of a new complex of buildings of the pedagogical higher educational school will make up 25,8 hectares. The project provides construction of administrative and educational buildings, a hostel for 2000 students. Besides spacious classrooms and rooms, educational laboratories, a library, a canteen, a sports hall and the open area for sports here will be located.

In territories of the State energy institute of Turkmenistan in the city of Mary the additional educational building for 2000 students, a hostel for 800 students, an indoor sports project and a monument on a roundabout route will be erected.

The opening of some new comprehensive schools and kindergartens in regions of the country coincided with the big holiday as well.

So, on Day of Knowledge and Student' Youth the opening ceremony was celebrated by schoolchildren of Akhal velayat. A secondary school for 960 schoolchildren was opened in the village of Akdepe in Bäherden etrap, one for 600 children - in the village of Berkarar of the gengeshlik Kichi aga in Sarah etrap. For children of Kaka etrap three schools - in the village of Govshut for 400 children, in the village of Shukur bagshy – for 600 children and in the village of Garahan – for 400 children widely opened their doors at once. The younger residents of the village named after Shukur bagshy in Kaka etrap and Tejen city of Tejen etrap received as a gift kindergartens for 320 children each.

The festive opening ceremony of a new school was held today in Balkan velayat as well. Schoolchildren of the village of Gyzylbayir in Etrek etrap received a fine possibility to receive education in the educational institution designated for 320 children.

The first day of autumn residents of Lebap velayat also met with celebrations on the occasion of the commissioning of new high schools and preschool education establishments into operation. So, in the city of Sakar in Sayat etrap a secondary school for 600 children, in the city of Farab in Charjev etrap – for 960 children, in the village of Gyzylyap in the gengeshlik of Zerger in Charjev etrap – for 600 children, in the city of Seydi in Danev etrap - for 500 children, in the village of Akyap in the gengeshlik of Esenmengli in Khalach etrap – for 500 children, in the city of Koytendag and in the village of Megejik in the gengeshlik of the same name in Koytendag etrap – for 790 children each, in the village of Daykhan in the gengeshlik of the same etrap - for 210 children were opened.

A significant event was marked today by residents of the village of Govak in the gengeshlik of the same name in Kerki etrap of Lebap velayat, where a solemn ceremony of opening of a magnificent kindergarten for 160 children took place.

The opening of secondary schools became a big holiday in Mary velayat: in the village of Bori in the gengeshlik of Gyzylgum in Sakarchage etrap – for 900 children , in the village of Soyunalybeden in the gengeshlik of Agzybirlik in Yoloten etrap - for 960 children. Children of Mary city marked the opening of a kindergarten for 320 children in the populated area of Gokje.

Grandiose celebrations marked in the country on the occasion of the beginning of the new academic year testify to huge attention of the state to the younger generation of Turkmen nationals, to their education, training and all-round harmonious development.

At new secondary comprehensive schools at the disposal of children and teachers - light classes with convenient furniture and modern educational equipment.

The multimedia and interactive equipment established in specialised classrooms, will allow studying visually and fascinatingly biology, physics, chemistry, geography and other subjects.

At schools, everything necessary for disclosing creative abilities and talents of pupils is provided. Here there are classrooms of music and singing, sports and conference halls, premises for labour training, libraries, provided with educational and fiction books.

In spacious buildings of preschool centres all conditions for harmonious education, all-round intellectual development and comfortable rest of children are created. For different age groups cosy plying and sleeping rooms with beautiful and convenient furniture, classrooms, including language and computer laboratories equipped with modern systems of children's preschool training are provided.

The opening of all architectural projects was held today in the atmosphere of high creative uplift corresponding to the national holiday and were accompanied by musical performances.

Participants of celebratory ceremonies expressed to President Serdar Berdimuhamedov their warm gratitude for all-round care of the growing generation with wishes of sound health and new big successes in his many-sided activity for the benefit and prosperity of our beloved fatherland.