Ï Ya.Kakayev IOGU joined the Association of Technical Universities

Ya.Kakayev IOGU joined the Association of Technical Universities

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Ya.Kakayev IOGU joined the Association of Technical Universities

The Yagshygeldy Kakayev International University of Oil and Gas has been accepted into the Association of Technical Universities.

The corresponding Certificate was issued to the IOGU named after Ya.Kakayev on the basis of the decision of the Council of the Association of Technical Universities.

In his letter to the rector of the Ya. Kakayev IOGU Baimyrat Atamanov, Anatoly Alexandrov, President of the Association and Rector of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University, expressed hope for the active participation of the staff of the Ya.Kakayev IOGU in the activities of the Association of Technical Universities and the events held by it, aimed at solving urgent problems of the development of engineering and technical university education.

It should be noted that four other universities of our country are also members of the Association of Technical Universities: the Institute of Engineering, Technical and Transport Communications of Turkmenistan, the Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics of Turkmenistan, the State Energy Institute of Turkmenistan and the Turkmen State Architecture and Construction Institute.

In general, the Association includes more than a hundred Russian and about fifty foreign higher educational institutions.

The Association pursues an active policy aimed at uniting the efforts of states, educational institutions, organizations and enterprises to implement the priority development of higher engineering and technical university education based on progressive pedagogical ideas, combining the best traditions of universities and higher engineering schools.

Among the main tasks of the Association are the innovative development of university technical education; ensuring the integration of technical education at all levels into the world educational system and the world scientific community; the formation of a common level of requirements for the status of a technical university and the content of education, the equivalence of diplomas of technical universities; development of scientific and methodological foundations and improvement of the quality of training of specialists in technical universities, as well as the development of research activities of technical universities as leading research centers and ensuring cooperation of technical universities in educational, scientific and public spheres of activity.