Ï An international scientific forum was held in Turkmenistan

An international scientific forum was held in Turkmenistan

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An international scientific forum was held in Turkmenistan

Today, the International Scientific Conference «The Heritage of the Universal Significance of the Outstanding Philosopher and Healer of the East Abu Ali ibn Sina» was held in the Turkmen capital.

Organized by the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry together with the Ministry of Education and the Academy of Sciences of the country, the forum was dedicated to the Day of Health Workers and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan.

The conference, aimed at strengthening international scientific cooperation, as well as popularizing the multifaceted rich heritage of Abu Ali ibn Sina, was held in a hybrid format at the State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryyev.

It should be noted that the scientist, philosopher and healer, naturalist and musician, mathematician and psychologist, pharmacist and astronomer, poet Abu Ali Hussein ibn Abdullah ibn Ali ibn Hassan ibn Sina is one of the great personalities of the 10th - 11th centuries. In the West he is known as Avicenna. When this name is pronounced, the image of the legendary encyclopedist appears, who possessed a huge amount of knowledge and presented it in 450 books covering 29 scientific fields.

The life of Abu Ali ibn Sina is closely connected with the history of the Turkmen people. During the twelve years of the scientist’s life in the cities of Urgench, Merv, Bavert, Nisa, which became famous as centers of science in the East, he, with his bright talent, wisdom, experience, and fundamental works, left a great legacy for future generations, making scientific discoveries here and creating unique works.

The guides of the caravan of science of Abu Ali ibn Sina were the great personalities of that time - the historian, astronomer, surveyor Abu Rayhan Biruni, the philosopher, doctor and mathematician Abul-Khair - Hammar, the authoritative religious figure and poet Abusagit Abul-Khair - Mane Baba, and the relationship between master-mentor and student, the contribution of philosophers to the enrichment of science is a special pride of our people.

The forum was preceded by a performance by bagshy-sazandars, as well as a thematic exhibition where the books of the Hero-Arkadag were presented. This became a wonderful prologue to the work of the conference, in which both domestic specialists and scientists, professors and teachers from a number of foreign countries were invited to participate.

The Appeal of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov, sent to the participants of the current forum, was heard with deep attention. As the head of state noted in his message, the works, scientific and philosophical works of Abu Ali ibn Sina, who has earned the status of the leader of scientists of the East and the luminary of philosophers of the West, represent a precious treasure that unites the past with the present and future, and are the pride of all humanity.

On the theories of such outstanding doctors and scientists as Abu Ali ibn Sina - known in world science as Avicenna, who is considered the «First Hippocrates» of his time, Seyit Ismail Gurgeni, Muhammet Gaymaz Turkmen, Jelaleddin Hydyr, and in the practice of traditional medicine, as well as Based on the achievements of modern advanced medical science, a lot of work was begun in the country to form a national healthcare system and develop medical science, the message emphasizes.

At the plenary session, speakers noted the achievements of Abu Ali ibn Sina in science, his contribution to modern medical education, and also cited the wise sayings of the scientist about the treatment and prevention of diseases.

Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan N. Amannepesov, Rector of the Al Qismiyah University of the UAE Awad al-Khalaf, Vice-Rector of the Astrakhan State Medical University, Doctor of Medical Sciences Larisa Udochkina (Russian Federation), Professor of the University of Uludağ Hidayet Peker (Republic of Turkey), Professor of the Department of Surgery Dentistry of the Center for Advanced Training of Medical Workers of the Republic of Uzbekistan Urazmat Zhumatov, Professor of Biruni University Nezih Hekim and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Professor of Istanbul Cerrahpasa University Serkan Ikiz (Turkish Republic) devoted topics such as the value of the heritage of Abu Ali ibn Sina - an outstanding philosopher and healer of the East, achievements in medical science and the role of Avicenna in modern medical education, philosophical features of the works of the great scientist.

In addition, the speeches talked about improving our country’s healthcare system and medical science, and the development of domestic medical diplomacy, recognized internationally.

Foreign scientists exchanged views with Turkmen colleagues on the study of the personality, scientific, creative and medical heritage of Abu Ali ibn Sina, which left an indelible mark on the history of world medical science, the political and social situation of the time when the great philosopher lived, his role in the public life of world’s peoples, secular humanitarian views and medical training.

On the digital system, scientists, professors and young scientists from our country, as well as from the Russian Federation, the Federal Republic of Germany, Azerbaijan, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Armenia and other countries took part in the international scientific conference.

The speeches of foreign participants emphasized that one of the most important tasks of modern medical education is the preparation of a comprehensively developed harmonious personality who fully possesses both professional and cultural competencies. Such personalities, of course, include Avicenna, who gave the fundamental characteristics of a healer.

Particular emphasis was placed on the learning process at a medical school, which certainly relies on the analysis of classical data and the synthesis on their basis of new ideas about the morphofunctional characteristics of the body, on innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment.

In this context, it was noted that Avicenna continued to develop the ideas of Galen, Aristotle and Plato. As emphasized, he contributed to the creation of a medical school, and his theories and scientific methods in medicine were carefully listened to throughout Europe and the Islamic world for centuries. His contributions to neurobiology, clinical psychology, and other areas of human health are also significant.

The scientific conference continued its work in three sections at the State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garryyev, at the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly and at the University of Engineering and Technology named after Oguzhan.

The first section «The medical doctrine of the scientist Arkadag and the scientific heritage of Abu Ali ibn Sina» included such questions as the scientific heritage of the scientist in the field of physical activity: parallels with the achievements of evidence-based medicine and the recommendations of the World Health Organization, countering infectious threats: from the depths of centuries to the present days, studying a number of important representatives of the medicinal flora of Turkmenistan in an ethnobotanical scientific context, etc.

Of particular interest were topics about nutrition in the scientific heritage of Abu Ali ibn Sina and his ideas about the importance of developing physical education and sports for maintaining health, the role of medical heritage in the training of highly qualified specialists, and the basic concepts of medical ethics.

An important place in the scientist’s heritage is occupied by his brilliant work «The Canon of Medical Science», which served for many hundreds of years as the main textbook on medicine not only for the peoples of the East, but also for Western European countries.

Huge volumes of the Canon were printed in Europe in 1953. It has been studied and continues to be studied to this day. Avicenna's merit is that he created a manual for doctors for centuries to come - a medical encyclopedia, where diseases, their symptoms and treatment were ideally systematized.

Participants in the section emphasized the importance of the multi-volume work by Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov «Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan». It is based on the best, passed down from generation to generation, healing experience of both the outstanding scientists-founders of oriental medicine and the Turkmen Tebip doctors who constantly turn to the «natural pharmacy», which also serves to fully strengthen friendly relations between countries and peoples, including in such important areas as the humanitarian, scientific and educational fields.

The speakers noted that the publication of the new, XV volume of the fundamental scientific work of the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov «Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan» increased their sense of joy.

Published in mass circulation in many languages of the world, this unique encyclopedia of medicinal flora growing on Turkmen soil and folk herbal medicine has become the property of millions of foreign readers and a practical guide for specialists in various medical fields in our country. The author of scientific research in the field of medicine, Hero-Arkadag, created a national model for the development of domestic medicine, combining the wisdom and experience of his ancestors, as well as modern trends in global health care.

On the pages of the book there are dozens of types of local medicinal herbs, roots and fruits of plants, a detailed description of their healing properties, including endemics, and possibilities of use in scientific and folk medicine.

Manuscripts of the works of Abu Ali ibn Sina in the USA, predecessors, contemporaries and followers of Avicenna, the legacy of the scientist as a form of interrelation between civilizations and cultures of the East and West, reflection of his views in the cultural heritage of the Turkmen people, etc. - topics of reports of the section «Abu Ali ibn Sina and his epoch» of the forum.

As noted, the personality of Avicenna, who united the talent of a natural scientist, physician, philosopher and literati, rises above the intellectual horizon of not only the Arab-Persian, but also the European Middle Ages, and his deep scientific and poetic intuitions have not lost their significance today.

Speaking about the great scientist, the section participants emphasized that in the history of civilization, Abu Ali ibn Sina is an ideal for many generations, serving as an example to follow for those who are just embarking on the path of scientific knowledge and spiritual self-improvement.

No less interesting were the topics about trade, economic and historical and cultural ties between the peoples of the Volga region and the Urals during the Volga Bulgaria period with Horezm and other regions of Turkmenistan, Central Asia and the Middle East, as well as questions of the universe in the correspondence of Avicenna and Biruni, and the scientist’s statements about literature.

The third section, «The significance of the works of Abu Ali ibn Sina in the enrichment of universal human values», continued with topics about universal human values and the problems of tolerance in the philosophical heritage of ibn Sina. The science of music was discussed in the work «The Book of Healing», as well as the book «Eastern Philosophy».

As noted, one of Avicenna’s most important works is the multi-volume «Book of Healing», which includes ideas and theories from the fields of logic, mathematical sciences, physics and metaphysics. In another of his famous works, «The Canon of Medicine», Avicenna made the brilliant suggestion that human diseases can be caused by the smallest living creatures.

Two of the books «Canon of Medicine» are devoted to the scientific description of the preparation of medicinal raw materials, methods of manufacturing and using medicines. Avicenna’s contribution to such a discipline as music theory was also great. For the first time in history, in the works of Avicenna, music was considered from the standpoint of mathematics, sociology, psychology and physiology.

Particularly noted was the healer’s contribution to the development of problems of philosophy, which Avicenna considered as a very serious discipline, allowing a person to comprehend the essence of being and requiring from him not only considerable effort, but also corresponding natural inclinations.

In our time, when ancient manuscripts of the philosophical works of Abu Ali ibn Sina, translated into Latin, are very rare, you can still find a copy of his «Canon of Medicine», on the basis of which medical education was built for several centuries.

Among the books of the scientist and encyclopedist of the medieval East, Avicenna, the forum participants also noted the «Canon of Medical Ethics» - a manual that has been relevant for centuries for doctors, healers, and healers.

As the speakers emphasized, the subject of continued attention of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov is the issues of further improvement and development of the domestic healthcare system. The deeply meaningful folk saying «The health of the people is the wealth of the country», defined as one of the most important principles of the state policy of Turkmenistan, finds concrete embodiment in large-scale transformations.

Foreign participants of the forum, confirming their desire for further comprehensive expansion and deepening of fruitful cooperation with Turkmen colleagues, exchanged views on ways to build it up.

Expressing deep gratitude for the full support and creation of the necessary conditions for the fruitful work of the forum, the participants of the scientific conference accepted an Appeal of gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov and the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Chairman of the Halk Maslahaty of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

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Today, in honour of the Day of Healthcare and Medical Industry Workers, the State Medical University of Turkmenistan named after Myrat Garruyev hosted a presentation of the XV volume of the fundamental work of Hero-Arkadag «Medicinal Plants of Turkmenistan», which was published on the eve of the professional holiday of the country’s medical workers.

A conference was held in the conference hall of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of Turkmenistan on the occasion of the presentation of the «Arkadag» medal to distinguished workers of the health care system and medical industry, as well as the donation of «Toyota Camry» cars to medical institutions of the capital and velayats.