Ï Students from Turkmenistan are winners of the III International financial security Olympiad

Students from Turkmenistan are winners of the III International financial security Olympiad

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Students from Turkmenistan are winners of the III International financial security Olympiad

Three students from Turkmenistan won prizes at the III International Olympiad on Financial Security, held on the federal territory "Sirius" in the Russian city of Sochi in the first ten days of October.

Second degree diplomas were awarded to Meilis Khojamuradov, 5th year student of the Faculty of International Economics relations of the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan and Begley Berdimuradov, student IV year student at the Faculty of International Economics and Management International University of Humanities and Development, who successfully competed in the Olympics "Economics, finance and credit, economic security." Second place was also won by Dayanch Khydyrov, student Turkmen State Institute of Economics and management, distinguished himself in the direction of “International relationship".

Seven more representatives of Turkmen universities received certificates for active participation in intellectual competition.

In general, the national team at the prestigious and major show young talents were presented by 10 university students of Turkmenistan.

The composition of the participants in the Olympiad final was formed based on the results preliminary qualifying tests.

This year the III International Olympiad in Finance security expanded its geography, bringing together students from 19 countries of the world. "Sirius" warmly welcomed and met the teams from Russia, Turkmenistan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Iran, Armenia, Brazil, India, China, South Africa, Algeria, Venezuela, Vietnam, Cuba, Namibia and Pakistan.

The Olympiad was held in the following areas: Economics, finance and credit, economic security; Information safety; Jurisprudence; International relationships.

Let us note that the winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad were 24 schoolchildren and 71 students from Russia and 34 students from other countries the above countries.

The final week of the Sochi Olympics was traditionally filled with a wide variety of interesting events. As reported on the official website of the Olympiad, one of the central event was the plenary session “Conversation on Equals", during which I personally spoke with the finalists Russian President Vladimir Putin.

The head of the Russian state emphasized the importance of holding Olympiads: “This practice of international communication, educational cooperation, establishing friendly, partner contacts in such a significant, sensitive area, is certainly extremely important - especially now, when every year, ensuring financial security becomes more and more important, complex, complex and without any exaggeration of a large-scale task, and its solution requires joint efforts and high level of training of specialists, and in a variety of areas.”

Conferences, panel discussions and meetings on the sidelines of the Olympiad conducted by experts in the field of financial security from government bodies, large Russian companies. One of the key events was the International Forum Sirius 2023, where financial issues were discussed security in the context of global transformation.

For the first time in the history of the Olympiad, a phygital tournament was held. football "Cup of 4 continents", in which they competed four teams from 15 countries.

The final week of the Olympiad ended with a solemn ceremony closing ceremony with the participation of honored guests. To the winners and the winners were given well-deserved awards.

The Olympic movement is growing steadily as it grows and develops the interest of young people in today's pressing financial issues literacy and security in the world. The Olympics reveals a lot new talents, allows participants to realize bright non-standard ideas and helps to decide on the future profession.

International Olympiad on Financial Security carried out on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation. The organizers of the annual competition are the Ministry science and higher education of the Russian Federation, Federal Financial Monitoring Service, Ministry of Education Russian Federation, educational organizations included in composition of the International Network Institute (INI).

The objectives of the Olympiad are to develop a new form of thinking and new format of activity, identification of talents in the field financial security; creating conditions for individual educational trajectory, promotion of professional orientation of students for the formation of human resources financial security systems; creation of a single educational, research, and in the future - information space in the field of financial security.

Winners and prize-winners of the Olympiad receive benefits when admission to MSI universities for undergraduate programs, master's and postgraduate courses, as well as internship opportunities in Rosfinmonitoring and other financial sector organizations.