Ï The importance of chemical science and technology for the national economy was discussed at the Technology Center

The importance of chemical science and technology for the national economy was discussed at the Technology Center

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The importance of chemical science and technology for the national economy was discussed at the Technology Center

The Technology Center of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and Magtymguly Turkmen State University held a scientific and practical seminar on the topic "The Role of Chemical Science and Technology in the National Economy." The meeting was opened by the Director of the Technology Center, Doctor of Chemical Sciences D.Gadamov.

The main speakers at the seminar were employees of the Laboratory of Technologies for Synthesis of New Substances, who organized this event. Their leader J.Silapova devoted her presentation to the importance of chemical technologies for the development of our country's economy.

Various aspects of this topic were developed in their presentations by research workers of the laboratory: D.Gurbannazarov, G.Sultanmyradova, E.Kulieva and E.Artykova. They addressed important issues such as the implementation of new technologies in the chemical industry, the significance of efficient use of local raw materials for the economy, the production of new types of fertilizers for modern greenhouses and the technology of processing production waste from oils.

O.Khalliyeva, a lecturer of the Organic Chemistry Department of the State University, made a speech at the seminar on the possibilities of obtaining new substances from aromatic hydrocarbons. Another representative of the university, A.Ashyrova, a 5th-year student of the Chemistry Faculty, spoke on the topic of the main directions of gas processing.