Ï TNIWL named after D. Azadi invites schoolchildren to the II English Language Olympiad

TNIWL named after D. Azadi invites schoolchildren to the II English Language Olympiad

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TNIWL named after D. Azadi invites schoolchildren to the II English Language Olympiad

The Turkmen National Institute of World Languages named after Dovletmammet Azadi invites high school students to the II English Language Olympiad, organized by the university with the support of the Ministry of Education of Turkmenistan.

The Olympiad is held among students of 9-11 grades of general secondary schools in Turkmenistan. All interested schoolchildren are invited to participate in the Olympiad, and the number of participants is not limited.

Participant registration is open until February 24. To submit an application, school team leaders of the Olympiad participants need to provide the organizing committee of the event with lists of participants and their information by email at patrioticyouthtniwl@gmail.com. A sample application form is posted on the official website of TNIWL named after D. Azadi at datmddi.edu.tm.

The competition will consist of two rounds. In the first round, participants will be given 3 hours to write an essay in English. The first round will take place online on February 26 at 14:00, when the essay topic will be announced on the institute's website. The results of the round and the list of participants who have advanced to the second round will be published on the organizing university's website on March 20.

The second round will be in the form of a test at TNIWL named after D. Azadi on March 30 at 10:00. The test includes 10 tasks, which will take 90 minutes to complete.

Winners and prize winners will be awarded Diplomas of corresponding degrees, and teachers who have trained the best English language experts will be presented with Honorary Certificates.

Detailed information about the Olympiad is available on the above-mentioned website of the Institute in the News section.

The organization of the Olympiad aims to strengthen and improve the theoretical and practical knowledge of schoolchildren, increase students' motivation to learn English, monitor the quality of schoolchildren’s training in the subject, develop communicative, written and speaking skills, identify the most capable and talented young people fluent in a foreign language.

The event is also aimed at implementing the plans of the Concept for the Development of the Digital Education System in the country and the Concept for Improving the Teaching of Foreign Languages in Turkmenistan.