Ï IIR of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan announced the winners of the III season of the competition “Young messengers of peace"

IIR of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan announced the winners of the III season of the competition “Young messengers of peace"

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IIR of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan announced the winners of the III season of the competition “Young messengers of peace"

At the Institute of International Relations of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkmenistan hosted the final game of the III season of the intellectual project "Young Messengers of Peace", conducted by the university and the School of Young Diplomats in its composition among the country's high school students. 

In the final of the grandiose university project, eight participants – winners of two semifinal games performed, among whom prizes were distributed in the final game. 

The Grand Prix of the competition was won by Aylar Dzhumaeva, a student of the 11th grade Specialized secondary school No. 41Turkmenabat of the Lebap Velayat.

The first place was awarded to Resul Baymyradov, a student of the 11th grade of the specialized secondary school No. 52 in Ashgabat.

Two players were awarded II places — Jeyhun Khojageldiyev, a 10th grade student specialized boarding school named after Saparmurat Turkmenbashi Ashgabat and Gulayim Bakieva, a student of the 11th grade of secondary school No. 35 Kerkin etrap of the Lebap velayat.

III place was awarded to Guldzhemal Orazova, an 11th grade student school No. 108 in Ashgabat, Musyur Gutlymyradova, 11th grade student specialized secondary school No. 22 in Balkanabat Balkan velayat, Aimyrat Kakaev, an 11th grade student at a specialized secondary school No. 86 in Ashgabat and Medina Myratberdiyeva, 11th grade student specialized secondary school No. 16 in Ashgabat. The final game was dedicated to the theme “Teachings of the Great Magtymguly Fragi “a national beacon of universal human values.” Let us remind you that all the third season of the project was held under the slogan of the same name in honor of the 300th anniversary anniversary of the birth of the greatest poet and philosopher of the East Magtymguly Fragi.

The jury of the final included the scientific secretary of the Makhtumkuli Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan, Candidate of Historical Sciences Kakajan Dzhanibekov, Senior Lecturer at the Department of International Relations and Diplomacy of the IIR of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences Begench Karaev and Head of the Department of History of Turkmenistan and methods of its teaching Turkmen State Pedagogical Institute named after Seyitnazara Seidi, Candidate of Historical Sciences Jepbarguly Khatamov.

The award ceremony was held in the conference hall of the Institute. The winner of the Grand Prix of the III season of the Young Messengers of the World competition was awarded the coveted Rolling Cup. The winners were awarded Certificates of Honor from the IIR of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the country and valuable gifts from the Central Council of the Makhtumkuli Youth Organization of Turkmenistan and a number of sponsors of the project. Among them is the Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts named after Makhtumkuli AST, National Archery Federation of Turkmenistan, Union industrialists and entrepreneurs of Turkmenistan, as well as private domestic companies - "Abadan haly", "Aýdyön gijeler", "Muhammet Balkan", "Jedi Dogan", "Duwmejik", "Balşeker", "Şerbetli Ak Gar", "Röwşen" and "Ak Menzil".

Turkmen viewers will be able to watch the broadcast of the final game and celebrations at the university on the occasion of the completion of the III season of the "Young Messengers of Peace" 2023-2024 academic year in the coming days on the national TV channel "Miras", which has become a constant companion of this project. By good tradition, at the end of the award ceremony in front of the main building of the institute, the winners of the competition released white doves into the sky as a symbol of peace, friendship, freedom and goodness.