Ï Next issue of Arkadagly Ýaşlar e-Magazine released

Next issue of Arkadagly Ýaşlar e-Magazine released

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Next issue of Arkadagly Ýaşlar e-Magazine released

The next issue of Arkadagly Ýaşlar e-Magazine for 2024 published by the Central Council of Magtymguly Youth Organisation of Turkmenistan has been released.

An article entitled “Döwlet berkararlygynyň synmaz sütünleri” dedicated to the Constitution and State Flag Day of Turkmenistan, celebrated on May 18 is posted on the first pages of the issue.

The article entitled “Mertebe belentligi” tells readers about the monument to Magtymguly Fraghi in our capital.

This issue contains the article about the Science and Practical Conference “Magtymguly – geçmişimiz, şu günümiz we geljegimizdir’, organised by the Central Council of Magtymguly Youth Organisation and Magtymguly Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts at the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan jointly with Balkan Мelayat Hyakimlik.

The article “Mukaddes Tuga tagzym” reveals the value of the State Flag in our hearts. The article “Ömrüň manysy Watandan başlanýar” sounds like a heartfelt song about the defenders of the Motherland, and the article in the Turkmen language “Aşgabat: geçmişden geljege uzaýan gözellik” reports on the festive events marking the Ashgabat Day, celebrated on May 25.

The article “Gahrymanlar unudylmaýar” once again reminds about our heroes who fought for independence of our Motherland. The article “Hatlardaky hasratlar” tells readers about bygone years.

The article “Gadymyýetden gözbaş alýan şäher” traces the history of scientific research on the ancient city of Anau. An article in the English language spotlights the important role of digital books.

The new article of the “Ýaşlar – ylym dünýäsinde” series, which has become traditional in our magazine, introduces two young scientists. The article entitled “Ýaňydy dolanym seniň goýnuňa...” and accompanying materials will arouse great interest among readers. In them, this year’s university graduates from our country shared their impressions.

Several articles present the results of sports tournaments, held with the teams representing higher and secondary educational institutions of our country, the beauties of the Caspian Sea and the festive events marking the 300th birth anniversary of Magtymguly Fraghi, which took place at educational institutions.

A grandson of the famous baghshi wrote the article “Magtymguly Pyragynyň şygyrlary Sahy Jepbarowyň aýdymlarynda” for this issue. The poetic reflections “Gün zarňyldadyp jaň kakmaz” conclude this issue.

You can find the announcement of the Talyp joşguny – 2024 Art Festival and summer salad recipes and meet the new winner of the Ýaş waspçy creative contest on the last pages of the issue.