Ï Science and innovations - major factors of progress

Science and innovations - major factors of progress

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Science and innovations - major factors of progress

Today, the capital city hosted the international scientific conference «Development and the future of innovative technologies in Turkmenistan», timed to the significant date of the national calendar – Science Day.

The forum held in the hybrid format, brought together besides learned Turkmen teachers and young researchers, representatives of international organisations, world famous centres of science, leading foreign science and technology parks and mass media.

The conference was held in the international science-technology park of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan.

As known, at the regular meeting of the Cabinet, which took place on June 7, President Serdar Berdimuhamedov signed the Resolution «On assignment to the Centre of Technologies of the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan the status of international science-technology park». The given decision was adopted according to the Law of Turkmenistan «On scientific-technological parks» with a view of creation of appropriate basis for conduction of practical scientific work, coordination of science and manufacture, development of industrial sector on a scientific basis and improvement of technical standards.

The new legal status of the Centre will allow scientists and engineers actively to expand the sphere of cooperation with prestigious world profile centres, including with the International Association of Science Parks (IASP).

Prior to the start of the conference, familiarization with the exhibition of digital technologies and innovative projects of the international science-technology park and German Development Cooperation (GIZ) under the motto «Transition to renewed energy sources - energy of the future» took place.

Results of cooperation of local and foreign companies in projects both realized and developed in our country were displayed at the exhibition. Thematic sections were devoted to the latest technologies and modern equipment, which are widely introduced today in the energy industry.

Delegates of the forum with great attention heard a welcoming message of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to participants of the conference. In the message of the head of the state, it is noted that our century is characterised by technological and social development. Huge and prompt scientific and technical progress of the 21st century, along with the world countries, has led to introduction of innovative technologies in all spheres of economy of independent neutral Turkmenistan, including in the scientific system, preparation of highly qualified specialists, conduction of theoretical, practical and fundamental scientific researches, modernisation and development of science.

During the plenary session, speakers marked that innovative economy is, as a matter of fact, investments into continuous qualitative renewal of all economic processes and segments of the economic complex. And integral components of infrastructure of such economy are specialised higher educational institutions, research establishments focused on applied goals, industrial innovative clusters and technological centres of rationalisation ideas, proposals and ground breaking projects.

It was underlined that the industrially-innovative and information-technological researches, which are carried out by scientific research institutes, higher educational institutions, the Centre for young scientists at the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and Central Board of the Magtymguly Youth Organisation as well as discoveries of scientists, engineers, technologists promote solution of major tasks of social and economic development of the country.

A prominent feature of the modern scientific system of Turkmenistan is that it is oriented on practical implementation of scientific achievements. As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov underlines, one should proceed from the fact significance of any scientific solution is as higher as its efficient introduction in manufacture. At this, process of interaction of science and manufacture assumes an active participation of not only scientists, but also engineers, technicians, inventors, rationalizers, front-rank workers in it.

It was especially underlined that the future of Turkmen sciences is closely connected with processes of integration of the country into the global scientific space, expansion of international interaction in the sphere of science and technologies. In this context, the special attention is given to development of cooperation with authoritative international organisations, leading centres of science.

During the conference, an interested exchange of opinions on potential areas of conduction of joint scientific researches in the field of digital solutions and intellectual possibilities, introduction of innovative technologies in the education sphere and sciences, digital economy took place.

The papers, which were delivered at the plenary session, covered the most topical theoretical and practical issues of development of various branches of economy - from energy to ecology.

So, foreign participants of the forum informed on the basic areas of researches in scientific organisations that they represented, shared their vision of prospects of international scientific and technical cooperation in such areas as public diplomacy on energy transition, study of energy efficient and non-polluting technologies, nano and chemical technologies, biotechnologies and others.

Besides exchange of opinions, delegates of the forum also had an opportunity to take part in the awarding ceremony of winners of scientific-creative competition among schoolchildren «Young innovators».

Further, the conference proceeded in five sections. So, in the session «Chemical technologies and ecology» its participants acquainted the international audience with the latest solutions in the field of preservation of the environment, ecology and sustainable development. Its agenda included such themes as «The role and significance of international cooperation in study of biological variety of Turkmenistan», «Processing of additional products of manufacture of oils», «Ways of treatment of industrial wastewater» and others.

In papers at the section «Nanotechnology and power» issues of energy efficiency of use of renewed energy sources and achievement of Turkmenistan in this area, energy efficiency in use of alternative energy sources, technical and economic basis of connection of energy resources of renewed energy sources to the electric power system were considered.

At the session «Production technologies of bio - food and medical products» presentations on themes «Possibilities of use of cyanobacteria in industrial production by methods of bio nanotechnologies», «Modernization of agricultural science - an important condition of sustainable development», «Improvement ameliorative state of saline soils with use of saline resistant crops», «Scientific analysis of endemic plants of the Kopet Dagh» and others.

At the section «Information-communication and geographical information systems» estimation of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from climate change and drought on pastures of the northwest of Turkmenistan was given. The special attention was given to issues of quantitative solution at filtration of hydrocarbons. A great number of papers were devoted to information technology in various spheres.

In this aspect, achievements and goals in the sphere of telecommunications of Turkmenistan, solution of issues of cyber security under modern conditions, experience of the Laboratory of geographical information systems on space technologies were considered.

In speeches of participants of the session «Innovative economy» areas of development of free economic zones in Turkmenistan, the role of private business in innovative development of our country, feature of "green" economy in modern conditions, national experience of system of support of small and medium business were discussed.

By the unanimous opinion of the gathered, the present scientific forum not only considerably expanded the knowledge and picture of achievements of scientists, but also brought a powerful contribution to the deepening of international scientific relations.

At the end of the international scientific conference «Development and the future of innovative technologies in Turkmenistan», its participants adopted the letter of thanks to President of Turkmenistan Serdar Berdimuhamedov.