Ï Strengthening the scientific and economic potential of the state is the task of the country’s scientists

Strengthening the scientific and economic potential of the state is the task of the country’s scientists

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Strengthening the scientific and economic potential of the state is the task of the country’s scientists

Today at the Turkmen State University named after Magtymguly, a solemn ceremony was held to award the winners of the annual competition of scientific works among young scientists and students.

The prestigious state competition, organized by the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and the Central Council of the Magtymguly Youth Organization, is traditionally held on the eve of Science Day celebrated in our country on the 12th of June.

This main intellectual competition is attended by talented young scientists, promising employees of research institutes, industry organizations and production associations, university teachers and students, students of secondary specialized educational institutions, as well as young Turkmen citizens of any profession who show a desire for active scientific activity.

The basis and most important conditions for the development of any state and society, including the systematic strengthening of the economic, scientific and educational potential of the Fatherland, are science and education.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov emphasized at the meetings of the Cabinet of Ministers held on the 31st of May and 7th of June, programs are being implemented in our independent Motherland to educate highly educated, erudite, professional and capable youth, and one of the priority tasks of the state is to stimulate the younger generation, which will make a worthy contribution to development of the country, towards more meaningful and effective work in the field of science, education and new technologies.

The competition of scientific works is designed to identify and fully encourage gifted youth - a generation of scientists of a new generation with innovative thinking, and to stimulate their research activities in the most popular areas of science.

The ceremony honouring the rising luminaries of Russian science was attended by heads of ministries and departments, representatives of the scientific community, teaching staff and students.

Among the guests of honor are participants in the International Scientific Conference «Science, Technology and Innovative Technologies in the Era of the Revival of the New Epoch of the Powerful State».

Those present listened with great enthusiasm to the Address of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov to the winners of the scientific work competition among the youth of Turkmenistan, which emphasized that the development of science and education in our native Fatherland, the introduction of scientific developments in the sectors of the national economy, and increasing the scientific potential of the country are among our main goals.

In his message, the head of state noted that comprehensive work is being carried out aimed at strengthening and modernizing the scientific base, introducing the digital economy, training qualified specialists who can make a worthy contribution to the development of the state, and increasing the interest of young people in science.

Congratulating the laureates on their victory in the intellectual competition, the President of Turkmenistan expressed confidence that the creative successes of young scientists in priority areas of science and their discoveries will contribute to the further prosperity of our state.

Science, as a powerful transformative force of social development, plays a vital role in the life of modern Turkmenistan and makes a great contribution to the development of the national economy. The rapid progress of the country largely depends on scientifically educated talented youth and their fruitful scientific activities, which the state supports and stimulates for new successes.

Domestic science is confidently moving forward, relying on the achievements of scientific and technological progress, the latest technologies and innovations. Among the priorities facing Turkmen scientists today is the transition to a qualitatively new level of development, increasing the efficiency of ongoing scientific research and technical developments, targeting them at solving pressing problems and actively integrating them into production, bringing the scientific system to the world level.

Currently, every effort is being made to modernize national science, strengthen its role in the life of modern society, form a new generation of scientists with inexhaustible creative energy, keeping up with the times, with great scientific potential, a broad outlook, capable of managing innovative technologies.

Every year in the country, state support for the field of science increases, conditions are created for conducting fundamental and applied scientific research, new discoveries, the application of advanced achievements and technologies, and expanding the range of research in the most promising areas.

The material and technical base of specialized institutions and higher educational institutions is being strengthened, in whose activities modern information and communication technologies are being widely introduced, including high-speed access to the world database via the Internet and electronic libraries.

Industrial-innovative and information-technological research carried out by research institutes, higher educational institutions, scientific-technological, scientific-clinical and scientific-design centers, pilot production laboratories, the Centre for Young Scientists at the Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan and the Central Council of the Youth Organization named after Magtymguly, as well as the scientific discoveries of young scientists, engineers, technologists and specialists contribute to solving the most important problems of the country’s socio-economic development.

Thanks to the close attention of the head of state to the issues of broad involvement of young people in scientific research in promising areas, the number of competitors in the prestigious intellectual competition, traditionally held on the eve of Science Day, is steadily growing every year.

So this year, held under the motto «The Fount of the Wisdom Magtymguly Fragi», 1 thousand 670 young scientists and students took part in it, presenting their developments, theoretical research and research in six areas of science and technology: «Nanotechnology, chemical technology, study new materials and energy»; «Biotechnology, molecular biology, agriculture, ecology and genetics»; «Information and communication systems, computer technologies»; «Modern medicine and drug production technologies»; «Innovative Economy»; «Humanitarian sciences».

The radical reforms being carried out today in these areas are aimed primarily at ensuring strategic national interests and achieving new milestones in socio-economic development.

The competition includes research aimed at developing current topics and, importantly, having not only a theoretical, but also a practical orientation.

Of all the contenders for prizes, the expert commission chose the works of 107 of the most worthy young scientists. The defining criteria were the importance and scientific novelty of the presented projects, their relevance and relevance from the point of view of practical implementation and prospects for implementation in production.

The main heroes of the big holiday that took place today were the future luminaries of Turkmen science - representatives of the youth research movement, recognized as winners of the competition.

On behalf of the President of Turkmenistan, they were presented with honorary diplomas and valuable gifts to the stormy, prolonged ovation of those present.

The current celebration has become not only a high state assessment and recognition of the talent of young scientists, but also eloquent evidence of the great importance our country attaches to the development of science and the involvement of young people in the development of new scientific directions that are in demand at the time. After all, its successes are the prestige of the state, the pride of the people.

The laureates of the intellectual competition addressed President Serdar Berdimuhamedov with words of sincere gratitude for the full care shown for the young generation, assuring that with their tireless, selfless work they would serve to increase the authority and glory of their native Fatherland.

Then the participants of the ceremony accepted an Address of gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan.

A festive concert with the participation of masters of art and creative groups from the country's universities concluded the solemn event.