Ï The country's energy potential is strengthening

The country's energy potential is strengthening

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The country's energy potential is strengthening

Today, in the era of the Revival of the new epoch of the powerful state, program reforms for the development of the fuel and energy complex of Turkmenistan, initiated by the National Leader of the Turkmen people, Hero-Arkadag, are being successfully implemented under the leadership of President Serdar Berdimuhamedov.

Recently, thanks to drilling work carried out at the corresponding well of the largest gas storehouse in our country, «Galkynyş», an industrially significant gas flow was obtained. This is a clear result of consistent targeted work to bring our homeland into the ranks of the leading energy powers on the planet.

As President Serdar Berdimuhamedov notes, the fuel and energy complex faces ambitious goals, and here great importance is attached to prospecting and exploration work to identify new rich deposits, increase the volume of hydrocarbon production and processing, and diversify routes for supplying Turkmen energy resources to specialized markets around the world. This also applies to the use of innovations in oil and gas production, drilling and overhaul of wells, including through the attraction of specialized foreign companies and investments.

Currently, the entire production cycle in the gas sector is carried out using advanced technological developments, such as identifying new fields with subsequent exploration and commissioning, transportation and storage of hydrocarbons, and supply to consumers.

At the same time, the key tasks in this area include the formation of innovative production for the processing of hydrocarbon raw materials, increasing the export potential of the fuel and energy complex through diversification. This also includes the industrial development of new fields, the creation of an extensive network of pipelines for transporting energy resources, scaling the use of digital technologies in geological exploration, including methods 3D and 4D modeling.

Turkmenistan is among the leaders in natural gas reserves and has an advantageous geographical location, which, coupled with a radical technological modernization of the profile infrastructure, creates all the prerequisites for expanding mutually beneficial partnership in the fuel and energy field with all interested parties.

The next constructive step in the implementation of our country’s energy strategy was the Turkmenistan–Afghanistan–Pakistan–India gas pipeline, the construction of which continues. One of the key directions of this strategy is also the improvement and expansion of the potential of the fuel and energy complex, the formation of a new system for supplying energy resources to the world market with a focus on the future.

The implementation of large investment projects in this area is not simply dictated by economic interests, but is also designed to strengthen regional and global security and improve the well-being of the population.

Thus, the identification of the gas flow is clear evidence of the successful implementation under the leadership of Serdar Berdimuhamedov of the strategy to strengthen the position of the domestic fuel and energy complex in the world market and the implementation of infrastructure projects.