Online professional development courses have been launched at the Dovletmammet Azadi Turkmen National Institute of World Languages on the initiative of Lomonosov Moscow State University.
The course participants are more than a hundred teachers and undergraduates from all faculties of the Turkmen university, mainly the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature, which trains future Russian teachers.
The course lecturers are such famous Russian scientists, linguists and writers, as the director of the Institute of Russian language and culture of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov Valery Chastnykh, Head of the Department of History of Contemporary Russian Literature and modern literary process of the Faculty of Philology Lomonosov Moscow State University, professor Mikhail Golubkov, professor of this faculty Lev Trakhtenberg and others.
The rich educational program of the courses includes lectures on topical issues of teaching Russian literature. It is aimed at the participants' mastering of modern fundamentals and methods of teaching Russian literature, topics "network literature" (network literature) and its uniqueness, as well as the features and basic principles of the functioning of the modern literary process.
In their speeches, Russian colleagues emphasize the historically friendly nature of relations between the Turkmen and Russian peoples. In this context, experts from Lomonosov Moscow State University note the presence in the national literature of descriptions of the way of life, traditions, customs of the Turkmen, and the unique Turkmen nature, which indicates the deep interest of great Russian writers in the Turkmen people and their culture. Among such authors, writer and rector of the Gorky Literary Institute Alexei Varlamov named the Russian writer, poet, and publicist Andrei Platonov, whose individual pages of life and work are closely connected with Turkmenistan.
Conducting a training and educational event in many ways will contribute to the improvement and development of professional skills and competencies of Turkmen teachers, exchange valuable experience, enriching the educational process at the university and improving the training of highly qualified specialists, which is one of the priorities in Turkmenistan.