Ï Magical Violins of Dessan Ensemble

Magical Violins of Dessan Ensemble

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Magical Violins of Dessan Ensemble

The Dessan Violin Ensemble at M. Garlyev Specialized School of Arts in Dashoguz Velayat has prepared a new concert program. It features a number of Turkmen and foreign composers. The members of the Ensemble masterfully perform works by Turkmen composers Nury Khalmamedov and Chary Nurymov; celebrated Italian violinist Antonio Vivaldi, who left a decisive mark on the form of the concerto and the style of instrumental music; famous German pianist Carl Bohm, who wrote many compositions, and others. The recorded program will be shown to a big audience on one of the national channels.

The Dessan Ensemble has a long history and is actively engaged in cultural events organized in the northern region of Turkmenistan. It is usually made up of teachers and students (in different years) of the School’s Department of String Instruments. Now it is a 16-member ensemble. Many prizewinners and winners of various competitions, including those held among the country’s music education institutions, were part of the Ensemble at different times.

M. Garlyev Specialized School of Arts, which celebrated its fortieth anniversary last year, offers boys and girls a four-year program of training in many specialized music disciplines. To help students to develop their performance and professional skills, there are other mixed ensembles in other areas of specialization, including the Owaz Chamber Orchestra. Every year, scores of its graduates start out on their professional careers in the region’s cultural and education institutions.