Ï The results of creative contest of artistic image of Turkmen dog in visual, decorative and applied art, printing production, photos, on TV channels among artists, sculptors, carpet makers, photographers, personnel of printing houses, TV operators have bee

Winners of art contest in honor of Turkmen Shepherd Dog are announced

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Winners of art contest in honor of Turkmen Shepherd Dog are announced
Winners of art contest in honor of Turkmen Shepherd Dog are announced
Winners of art contest in honor of Turkmen Shepherd Dog are announced
Winners of art contest in honor of Turkmen Shepherd Dog are announced
Winners of art contest in honor of Turkmen Shepherd Dog are announced
Winners of art contest in honor of Turkmen Shepherd Dog are announced

The results of creative contest of artistic image of Turkmen dog in visual, decorative and applied art, printing production, photos, on TV channels among artists, sculptors, carpet makers, photographers, personnel of printing houses, TV operators have been summed up.

The art contest, which was announced at the initiative and according to the Order of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, allowed carpet makers, photographers, publishing specialists and TV operators to actualize the subject and present number of interesting creative works dedicated to Turkmen shepherd dogs. The main idea of the contest to show the role of this beautiful and intelligent creature in life of Turkmen people.

Turkmen shepherd dogs was presented from various views and in different plots – resting and on the move, on the background nature, among spring meadows, during hunting, in scenes of rural life, in traditional ceremonies, next to children and sheep flocks, which they protect.

Such wonderful characteristics of the dog as strength and endurance, reliability and boldness, loyalty, readiness to share the joy and troubles, kind attitude to all family members have been presented in creative form.

Excellent beautiful dogs were captured on picturesque carpets, in fine jewelry, ceramics, metal, stone, wood and other materials. Souvenirs picturing Turkmen shepherd dog and wonderful photos have been demonstrated. At the same time, each item was distinguished with its own tone full of admiration and respect to this beautiful and brave animal.

Certain works impressed with photographic precision of subtle details. Some works presented the combination of arts. It includes printing production, which presents joint work of computer designers and photographers.

Famous masters and beginners took part in the contest. The best works were selected according to nominations.

Relative certificates and valuable prizes have been awarded on behalf of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov to the following winners:

A. Gulberdiyev, senior specialist of Production department of the State Association Türkmenhaly for the best carpet with image of Turkmen shepherd dog;

B. Bayramov, the 5th grade student of the Graphics Department of the Visual Art Faculty of the State Art Academy for the best painting;

P. Mamiyev, head of the Sculpture Department of the Visual Art Faculty of the State Art Academy for the best sculptor of Turkmen shepherd dog;

B. Mammetgurbanov, computer operator of the Printing Center of Turkmen State Publishing Service, photo designer for the best printing production – decoration of book of the President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov “Turkmen Shepherd Dog”.

D. Hudayberdiyev, movie producer and operator of Oguzkhan Turkemnfilm Association of the State Committee of Turkmenistan for Television, Radio Broadcasting and Cinematography for the best operator work «Türkmen alabaýy» about the fearlessness of Turkmen dog.