Ï The art, which absorbed the heat of the hearts: collection of the capital’s museum is added with original exhibit

The art, which absorbed the heat of the hearts: collection of the capital’s museum is added with original exhibit

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The art, which absorbed the heat of the hearts: collection of the capital’s museum is added with original exhibit
The art, which absorbed the heat of the hearts: collection of the capital’s museum is added with original exhibit
The art, which absorbed the heat of the hearts: collection of the capital’s museum is added with original exhibit
The art, which absorbed the heat of the hearts: collection of the capital’s museum is added with original exhibit
The art, which absorbed the heat of the hearts: collection of the capital’s museum is added with original exhibit
The art, which absorbed the heat of the hearts: collection of the capital’s museum is added with original exhibit
The art, which absorbed the heat of the hearts: collection of the capital’s museum is added with original exhibit
The art, which absorbed the heat of the hearts: collection of the capital’s museum is added with original exhibit
The art, which absorbed the heat of the hearts: collection of the capital’s museum is added with original exhibit
The art, which absorbed the heat of the hearts: collection of the capital’s museum is added with original exhibit

Handover ceremony of original item of national craft – ‘kurte’ (wedding cape), which was embroidered by mother of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov Ogulabat eje presented as gift to the museum, and conference “Art, which absorbed the heat of the hearts” have been held in the State Museum of the State Cultural Center.

Members of the Government, representatives of public organizations, mass media, professors and teachers of higher educational institutes, scientists, writers, cultural and art masters as well as embroiderers, jewelers and students took part in the event organized by the Mejlis of National Assembly together with the Central Council of the Women’s Union.

During the ceremony, the mother of Turkmen leader had made this gift to the State Museum of the State Cultural Center.

‘Kurte’, which was embroidered by Ogulabat ejo back in 1971, is decorated with such bright patterns as «gyýak», «okgözi», «içýan agyz», «tazy guýruk» and framed by weaved charm made of camel wool. Inscription “Year of 1971”, which is embroidered in ‘kojeme’ style, is seen on the right collar. More than half century age, Ogulabat eje has sewn this ‘kurte’ for her sister-in-law for 20 days.

In addition, socks, which have been knitted by Ogulabat eje and decorated with original patterns, which indicates high skills and hard work of this wonderful women, have also been handed over to the museum as a gift.

As is known from the history, the embroidery is one of the most ancient crafts and an integral part of national dress. Secrets, nuances and practice of artistic embroidery have been passed from mothers to daughters, from elder to younger sisters and to sisters-in-law.

In his book “Worshiping Mother – Worshiping Sanctuary”, President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has described with love how his mother embroidered patterns and knitted socks together with his sisters.

Turkmen masters skillfully decorate their handmade items, among which the wedding cape ‘kurte’ is distinguished with bright patterns and ornaments, which represent some kind of embroidered narration about beauty and value of life.

As is known, study, protection and wide popularization of rich heritage of Turkmen people is under permanent attention of the head of the state. At present time, targeted work is carried out in this direction. Study of original traditions, customs and crafts of Turkmens, revealing of their special features are very important in education of the youth.

President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov highlights that careful protection of succession of the practice of previous generations and passing it to the future generations are the duties of every one of us and entire nation as these are special features of formation of spiritual foundations of any historical period.

Therefore, connection between the past and present, everlasting human values reflected in the culture of each nation including gin Turkmen traditions are embodied in historical and cultural heritage.

Personnel of the museum assured in their speeches that they would put all efforts to convey the evidence of ancient history and rich culture of Turkmen people to the visitors of the museum, to inculcate a love of national decorative and applied art and national crafts among the youth.

Performance of art master took place during the event. Famous popular singers, bakhshys, music and dance collectives have presented their art. Songs glorifying national traditions and customs have been sung.

State News Agency of Turkmenistan 
Photo by Hasan Magadov