Ï Culture Week 2021: ceremonial start

Culture Week 2021: ceremonial start

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Culture Week 2021: ceremonial start
Culture Week 2021: ceremonial start
Culture Week 2021: ceremonial start
Culture Week 2021: ceremonial start
Culture Week 2021: ceremonial start
Culture Week 2021: ceremonial start
Culture Week 2021: ceremonial start
Culture Week 2021: ceremonial start
Culture Week 2021: ceremonial start
Culture Week 2021: ceremonial start

Today in the administrative center of Lebap velayat the grand opening of the Week of Culture-2021 took place. A large-scale creative action, initiated by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, has been held since 2013 in different regions of the country, demonstrating a bright and diverse palette of national culture, its role in the development of the state and society, and a huge peacekeeping potential.

As President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov noted in a recent interview with the “Mir” TV and Radio Company: “It is obvious that under the conditions of independence became possible an active spiritual revival of the people, its historical identity, the flourishing of the multinational culture of Turkmenistan.”

The Week of Culture, as always, is preceded by the professional holiday of the representatives of the creative workshop - the Day of Workers of Culture and Art, as well as the poetry of Makhtumkuli Fraghi, which emphasizes the continuity of the spiritual connection between generations.

In this regard, the content orientation is indicative of the current Week of Culture, held in Lebap velayat, the territory of which, like other parts of our Motherland, is replete with monuments of ancient history and culture of the Turkmen people, unique natural attractions.

Enough to remind that in the eastern region there are more than 200 architectural monuments of different eras, including the Middle Ages - the Astana-baba mausoleum in the Kerki etrap, the Dayakhatyn caravanserai, the Allamberdar (Almutasir) mausoleum, which reflected in its appearance the specific features of Central Asian “monumental architecture the Golden Age ”(the Seljuk epoch), as well as the Idris Baba madrasah in the Khalach etrap, where the great Turkmen poet and thinker Makhtumkuli Fragi spent several years of his life, and others. Currently, they have become a place of attraction not only for scientists, but also for tourists from all over the world.

No less interesting for the guests is the modern architecture of the city on the Amudarya, whose "visiting cards" are the buildings of the Local History Museum and the velayat library, the State Music and Drama Theater named after S. Seydi, the Palaces Rukhyet and the "Bagt köşgi" build in 2018 a modern International Airport and a magnificent spiritual temple opened last year - the Mosque of the Lebap velayat.

A number of discoveries of social and cultural objects, including the building "Türkmeniň ak öýi" in Turkmenabat, intended for holding major events of national and international importance, are also timed to coincide with the current creative forum.

This morning, the square in front of the Rukhyet Palace became the center of the celebration on the occasion of the opening of the 2021 Culture Week.

Among the participants of the Culture Week are well-known theater artists, pop and folk performers, specialists in museum and library affairs, musicians, artists and poets, professional ensembles and popular folk-ethnographic groups.

A special place is given to layouts of historical and architectural monuments of the country, as well as the Monument "White City of Ashgabat" - one of the symbols of the Turkmen capital, which celebrated its 140th anniversary this year. On separate sites, gifts of the generous Turkmen land are placed - ears of golden wheat, cotton boxes, melons ...

All exhibition areas are distinguished by a special color and ornamental tone of the exhibits presented here from different regions of the country. It is from these streams that a full-flowing river of Turkmen culture is formed, which contains the memory of centuries and the present. This is the emotional background of the current celebration in Turkmenabat.

The attendees listened with deep attention to the welcoming address of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. The head of state said in his message: “The upcoming Week of Culture in Lebap velayat will become a kind of festive event that will have a significant impact on the further development and improvement of Turkmen culture and art, enrich our literature with modern works”.

The opening ceremony of the cultural forum continues with the literary and musical composition “MEDENIÝET HALKYŇ KALBYDYR!” performed by the artists of the S. Seidi State Music and Drama Theater, in the figurative embodiment of which all types of national art was presented. The verse lines sounded, the statements of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov about the significance of national culture, as well as the iconic details used in this mini-performance, created in consonance with the motto of this year - "Turkmenistan is the Motherland of Peace and Trust", emphasized the main idea of the creative action - reflect the versatility and genre diversity of contemporary Turkmen art, its inextricable connection with the historical and cultural heritage, peacekeeping mission and role in bringing the peoples of the planet closer together.

Then the events of the Week of Culture-2021 continued at the Rukhyet Palace, where the conference “Perzent çeşme bolsa, gözbaşy ata-enedir” was held. In the foyer, the participants of the forum were greeted by children who recited poems about their beloved homeland, beautiful melodies sounded in the performance of an ensemble of young violinists.

The speakers spoke about the sanctity of the home, the role of the family in the upbringing of worthy people, true patriots of the Fatherland. In this regard, the importance of the book of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov "Adoration of the mother - worship before the shrine

" was emphasized, in which the leader of the nation tells about the holiness of the mother for every person, about such enduring values as the Motherland, home, relations between parents and children. The head of state emphasizes that since ancient times, mother has been revered as a shrine throughout the world, and it is our duty to continue this wise tradition with dignity.

Then the conference continued with concert numbers - dedications to high spiritual ideals performed by popular singers and creative groups. The ideological dominant of the event was emphasized by the literary and musical composition "ATA-ENE SARPASY - IŇ MUKADDES BORJUMUZ".

In the afternoon, a creative meeting “Mirasymyz - buýsanjymyz” and a meeting that brought together specialists from the country's museums were held at the Historical Museum of Lebap velayat. There were discussed issues of the development of the national museum business, taking into account the introduction of innovative digital technologies, and took place an exchange of experience in organizing rural museum expositions.

Today, the velayat Local History Museum contains more than 35 thousand exhibits, a significant part of which is an invaluable heritage of our country. Only in recent years, numerous ethnographic finds have been added to the museum's funds, as well as more than a hundred archaeological rarities discovered during seasonal excavations at the ancient settlement of Amul.

The stage "Türkmeniň toý döwresi" in the city park "Bitaraplyk" becomes a reporting platform for the country's creative teams for a week. The festive relay race was opened by the performances of masters of Arts from Ashgabat and Ahal velayat.

Traditionally for the professional holiday at the National Music and Drama Theater named after Makhtumkuli was staged the opera performance "Gül-Bilbil", the premiere of which will take place on the stage of the Lebap Music and Drama Theater named after Seyitnazar Seydi, which, in turn, has also prepared a bright production of "Saz rowaýaty" about the triumph of talent and the power of art.

It is important to note that the events of the Culture Week-2021 will be held not only in Turkmenabat, but also in other cities and villages of the velayat, which emphasizes the educational focus of the creative action, its contribution to the patriotic and aesthetic education of youth. Educational excursions with visits to the sights of the eastern region of the country have been prepared for the forum participants.