Ï Harmony of creativity of the era of power and happiness

Harmony of creativity of the era of power and happiness

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Harmony of creativity of the era of power and happiness

These days the city on the Amu Darya has become the center of the country's cultural life, which lives in the rhythm of a large and bright creative holiday. Today the program of the Culture Week held here included a briefing for journalists, a methodological conference and the premiere of the play "Saz rowaýaty".

The meeting of media representatives entitled "Turkmenistan - Homeland of Peace and Trust", dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the sacred independence of the Motherland, was held in the conference hall of the library of the Lebap velayat. 

The theme of the all-conquering power of art is also the basis of the performance "Saz rowaýaty", presented to the audience by the collective of the State Music and Drama Theater named after Seyitnazar Seydi of the Lebap velayat. The new work of the artists is dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the sacred independence of the Motherland.

The plot of the legendary performance, which takes place in the XVIth century, is simple. The bakhshi family has three sons and a daughter. And if the choice of the path of musicians is obvious for the sons, then the daughter's hobby for playing the dutar and singing songs is not welcomed by the father, since in those distant times a woman could not do this art on an equal basis with men. 

The finale of the performance brings together different eras, affirming the priority of the high spiritual values of the modern Turkmen society, carefully preserving and developing the best traditions of their ancestors.

The new production involves both well-known representatives of theatrical art and artists who are starting their creative career. So, the role of the main character Novgul was played by a student of the Special School of Arts of the Lebap velayat.

Today, the repertoire of the Seyitnazar Seydi State Music and Drama Theater includes about 30 performances of various themes and genres, enjoying well-deserved success with the audience. New performances are created here every year. Among the works that have received recognition of domestic and foreign audiences, the play "Daýahatyn" is a participant in international festivals held both in our country and abroad.

Theater critics and amateurs of Melpomene highly appreciated the performances "Homeland is Sweeter than Life" and "The Wisdom of the Three Dervishes". The latter was presented in the program of the festival-competition "Turkmen theatrical art", organized in honor of the 140th anniversary of Ashgabat.

The success of the new production of "Saz rowaýaty" about the all-conquering power of art was evidenced by thunderous applause, which the grateful spectators presented to the artists.

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Today, Turkmenistan widely celebrates the Day of Workers of Culture and Art, as well as the poetry of Makhtumkuli Fraghi. The Week of Culture 2021 was timed to this event, which ended with a gala concert of masters of the arts under the arches “Türkmeniň ak öýi”.

The festivities began in the Ýedigen park, located in the historical center of the city on the Amu Darya, where monuments have been erected to seven Turkmen classic poets. The ceremony of laying flowers took place here at the monument to the outstanding Turkmen poet and thinker  Makhtumkuli Fraghi  .

In the welcoming address of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov on the occasion of this holiday, special symbolism is noted inherent in the joint celebration of the great classic and representatives of the national cultural sphere. “The immense, like an ocean, poetic world of Makhtumkuli has become an exemplary creative school for our masters of the artistic word, singers and musicians,” the head of state emphasizes in the message. 

A vivid example of this is the Week of Culture-2021, which reflected the achievements and enormous potential of the national culture.

The concert program was opened by the literary and musical composition "Türkmen medenýeti, türkmen sungaty". A bright joint performance of artists, singers and folklore groups of the five velayats of the country is dedicated to the great power of art.

The audience received a friendly applause for the original performance of young talents - the future national art in the composition “Biz - bagtyýar çagalar”.

The audience greeted with great enthusiasm the performance of the bakhshi collective, which in the composition “Magtymguly, sözlär tili türkmeniň!” reflected the unique style and originality of the performing manner, characteristic of certain regions of the country, and together they constitute a rich palette of musical culture. 

The holiday ended under the arches "Türkmeniň ak öýi" with a patriotic song "Gahryman Arkadag - dillerde sena", which sounded a hymn to the era of great transformations initiated and successfully implemented under the leadership of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov. Under this solemn music, the monitors showed shots reflecting the creative pace of our time.

Standing, with a special feeling of gratitude to the leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the audience listened to the words of this wonderful patriotic song, which fills the souls of the Turkmen people with pride for their beloved Motherland.  

 The participants of the Culture Week accepted a gratitude appeal to President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, in which they expressed their sincere gratitude for his tireless concern for the development of national culture, the creation of favorable conditions in the country for all-round creative activity and interstate humanitarian cooperation, and the opportunity to hold this forum at a high level. They assured the head of state that they will exert all their strength, talent and creative inspiration for the further flourishing of the national culture for the sake of the well-being of the native people, for the glory of their beloved Motherland.