Ï Friendly countries’ joint proposals

Friendly countries’ joint proposals

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Turkmenistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran that share many similarities culturally have been constantly broadening and enhancing their humanitarian and cultural cooperation.

Linked together by strong spiritual, cultural and historical bonds from time immemorial, the two friendly and neighboring countries’ nations enjoy bilateral cultural relations, and actively cooperate both in the international arena and through authoritative international organizations.

The friendly countries have developed join proposals concerning inscription of traditional crafts on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

Turkmenistan jointly with Iran, boasting a large Turkmen diaspora community within which the traditional art of embroidery has retained its considerable popularity, have prepared a nomination file entitled ‘The Art of Turkmen Embroidery’ for inclusion on the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. A decision on the nomination file, which has already been submitted to the UNESCO Secretariat, is expected to be adopted in 2022.

Last week, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov had a telephone conversation with newly elected President of the Islamic Republic of Iran Sayyid Ebrahim Raisi.

– We attach great importance to consolidating and enhancing the all-round ties with the Islamic Republic of Iran, the nation’s leader said, highlighting that the relations between Turkmenistan and Iran have taken on an active character in the political and diplomatic, trade-economic and cultural-humanitarian fields thanks to the principles of equity, mutual respect and good neighborliness.

On his part, the President-elect of the Islamic Republic of Iran expressed his satisfaction with the opportunity to exchange views with the Turkmen leader on the state and prospects of bilateral cooperation that serves the cardinal interests of the two peoples linked by spiritual, cultural and historical affinities since the dawn of time, and to discuss some issues of international and regional policy of common interest and concern.

The sides reaffirmed their mutual commitment to boosting the interstate relations both in bilateral and multilateral formats – within major international and regional organizations, in particular the United Nations and its agencies.

The nomination file entitled ‘The Art of Embroidery’ (‘Keşdeçilik Sungaty’) offers a fascinating insight into the ancient Turkmen craft, which is an essential part of the national cultural heritage.

For centuries, hand embroidery has reflected the distinctive character and uniqueness of the Turkmen people’s traditions. Recognition of the universal importance of the art will help to preserve it and cement closer ties between different nations.

Particularly noteworthy is the fact that the historical and cultural parks of Turkmenistan: Ancient Merv, Kounyaurgench and Nisa have been listed as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. The folk epic Gerogly; the ritual dance called Kushtdepdi; and the traditional art of Turkmen carpet making have made it onto the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, as well.

The art of dutar making and dutar playing and the art of bagshy have also been nominated for inscription on the List. The nominations will be considered at a meeting of the relevant Committee in December of 2021.

The Turkmenistan National Commission for UNESCO continues to consider some of the country’s historical and cultural monuments for nomination as World Heritage sites.

It should be noted that Cabinet Deputy Chairman, Minister of Foreign Affairs R. Meredov reported to the head of state on the ongoing steps to boost cooperation between Turkmenistan and UNESCO at last week’s meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Janmamed Gulamov