Ï Gala concert in honour of friendship of the people of the regional countries

Gala concert in honour of friendship of the people of the regional countries

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Gala concert in honour of friendship of the people of the regional countries
Gala concert in honour of friendship of the people of the regional countries
Gala concert in honour of friendship of the people of the regional countries
Gala concert in honour of friendship of the people of the regional countries
Gala concert in honour of friendship of the people of the regional countries
Gala concert in honour of friendship of the people of the regional countries
Gala concert in honour of friendship of the people of the regional countries
Gala concert in honour of friendship of the people of the regional countries

Today in Avaza national tourist zone the gala concert of masters of culture and art of the Central Asian countries took place.

Honourable spectators of the bright representation which took place in the amphitheatre of Avaza national tourist zone, became the leader of the nation, heads of the states of the Central Asian region, delegation of participants of the Consultative meeting, Dialogue of women, Economic forum and the International exhibition of national products of the Central Asian countries.

The friendship and consent for the sake of universal peace - this theme became a dominant of the festive action developed in the amphitheatre of resort "pearl" of Turkmenistan.

On the Avaza cost sound music and songs, Flags of the Central Asian states flutter in the wind, streams and cascades of interactive fountains sparkle. And over all this man-made beauty the exciting mood of the holiday, charging the most positive feelings and emotions soars. The sea landscape surrounding an open scenic platform with interactive fountains underlines its solemnity and magnificence.

In the best creative panorama of celebratory action the wealth and originality of national and modern art of representatives of the Central Asian countries, continuity of traditions were reflected.

The song -choreographic composition «AWAZA DOSTLUK KENARY», with inspiration performed by the best folklore groups of our country and foreign actors became an opening ceremony of the friendship concert.

Actors perform fragments of national songs and dances, showing indestructibility of bonds of friendship and brotherhood of the people living in peace.

Along with Turkmen masters of art popular actors from Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan took part in the concert. Through stylistic unity of music, song, dance they informed spectators and originality of cultures of the people.

Spectators welcomed as kind friends national actors of Uzbekistan Yulduz Usmanova and Ozodbek Nazarbekov who time and again visited our country and who have been awarded the title of honoured artists of Turkmenistan. Today well-known visitors sing favourite songs for numerous admirers, having enclosed in them the warmest message, all skill and inspiration.

The song «Leýlisaç barada rowaýat» which author is President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov became a remarkable gift for Turkmen nationals. Performed by Ozodbek Nazarbekov in the Turkmen language, in choreographic support of folklore group “Dokmachylar", it sounded fine dedication to our independent Fatherland.

The musical culture of Kazakhstan on the Avaza stage was presented by the national actress of Kazakhstan Roza Rymbaeva. The titled vocalist is recognised as "gold voice» of the country and «a singing nightingale of Central Asia». Roza Rymbaeva not the first time appears on the stage of the amphitheatre in "Avaza", and today in her brilliant execution the inspired lyrical song sounded.

Powerful and strong vocal of the honoured worker of Kazakhstan, the composer and multi-instrumentalist Dinmuhammed Kudaybergen more known as Dimash subdued listeners. The actor already came to Turkmenistan in 2015, having acted in the festival’s closing «Mary - cultural capital of the Turkic world».

Dynamical stream introduced in the concert program of performance of young vocalists - winners of popular international competitions of Guljigit Kalykov and Gulzinat Suranchieva from Kyrgyzstan, Bahtiyor Ibrahimov and Muhammadrafi Karomatullo from Tajikistan, Ruhia Baydukenova from Kazakhstan, and also representatives of modern Uzbek platform - Bunyod Saidov and Tulkinbay Jabborova.

The song «Bagt nury», the author of words and music of which is President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov became the real highlight of creative evening. The beautiful melody, pathetic words sank down deeply in souls of the all gathered to the burst of applause of which all rose with ovation, addressed to the leader of the nation whose state activity is directed to the blessing of prosperity of Fatherland and the native people.

Ancient dance kushtdepdi became deification of the concert. The picturesque sample of the national creativity which incorporated traditions of ethnos was executed by Turkmen actors and their colleagues from the central Asian countries.

Entertainment mass number underlined the idea of a joint concert - to reflect a celebration of creative unification for the sake of peace and progress. Creative contacts help the people to learn and understand each other, to open for themselves the surprising world of the art concealing inexhaustible possibilities for rapprochement.

At the end of the gala concert by hymn to indestructible friendship of the people the song «AGZYBIRLIK SENASY», united on the stage all participants of the concert sounded.

The festive evening finished with grandiose fireworks which lighted the evening sky over the ancient Khazar with myriads of sparkling fantastic constellations.