Ï The magazine "Miras" on the historical and cultural heritage of Turkmen people

The magazine "Miras" on the historical and cultural heritage of Turkmen people

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The next issue of the quarterly popular scientific magazine "Miras" which is published by the Institute of Language, Literature and National Manuscripts named after Mahtumkuli of the Academy of Sciences, came out. The edition continues to acquaint readers with results of researches in the sphere of the historical and cultural heritage of Turkmen people.

The magazine’s cover is decorated with the photo of the monument to Mahtumkuli Fragy whose poetry has become a symbolical link of history and the present. In the year which bears the motto «Turkmenistan – homeland of peace and trust», works of classic and universal values are especially actual. In his speeches leader of the nation Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov underlines importance of scientific study of an invaluable literary heritage of the outstanding philosopher and poet, attraction of attention of international public to his richest creativity.

The first pages of the issue the congratulatory messages of the President of Turkmenistan on the occasion of the National holiday of Turkmen racer and the Holiday of Turkmen alabay, 76th anniversaries of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, the Constitution Day of Turkmenistan and National flag of the country, City Day of Ashkhabad and the 140th anniversary are provided.

In the traditional section «Discoveries and new developments» the article «Ashkhabad – the city of peace and friendship» in which head of the Centre for Scientific Relations and Research of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Yahya Mahmud bin Junaid underlines that now the Turkmen capital is one of the most beautiful cities of the world, is placed. The author marks reasonableness of architectural shape of Ashkhabad combining traditions of national architecture with the advanced solutions in the field.

In the article «There is nothing more valuable than the Native land», on the basis of study of works of the great thinker and philosopher of the East Mahtumkuli Fragy, one can learn his life and works full of feeling of selfless love for his country and people.

The great interest for readers is represented by the article «On mutual relations of Sultan Sanjar and Khorezmshah Atsiz». In it on the example of relations of two historic figures the author narrates some aspects of formation of centuries-old art of diplomacy.

The article «the Ahalteke horse and Turkmen alabay - a national heritage» focuses attention of readers on that important fact that this jubilee year which bears the motto «Turkmenistan – homeland of peace and trust», at the initiative of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov the National holiday of the Turkmen racer was marked for the first time together with the Holiday of the Turkmen alabay that underlines the high importance of eternal values, presented to the world our glorious ancestors.

The section «Interaction of cultures and civilisations» is opened by the article in which, on the example of relations of Amir Timur famous also by the name of Tamerlane, and Mohammed Shabestri narrates honouring of scientists and poets and their contribution to development of science and literatures. In the East states various directions of art at that time prospered, there were new philosophers and the writers who left a trace in the history of civilisation, the author marks.

In other publication it is told about historical roots of carpet manufacture in Turkmenistan, including about the unique Pazyryk carpet dated to the V century B.C., found in the Mountain Altai. It is based upon researches of scientists of the past and the present. It is necessary to note that Turkmen national art of carpet making has filled up the List of intangible cultural heritage of humanity of UNESCO in December, 2019.

In the article on headdresses of Turkic speaking people one can learn of similarity of Turkmen skull cap with various turban ornaments, interesting historic facts. And during present time the takhya is an attribute of the national suit.

In the magazine the review of actions of public, scientific and cultural life of the country for the second quarter of the current year also is given. Here one can find reflexion of significant events showing sequence of successfully realised progressive state policy of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, directed to prosperity and further development of science and culture in our Fatherland.

Numerous photo illustrations serve as fine addition to materials of the magazine "Miras" published in Turkmen, English and Russian languages and intended for wide reader's audience.