Ï Romania congratulates the republics of Central Asia on the 30th anniversary of independence

Romania congratulates the republics of Central Asia on the 30th anniversary of independence

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Less than a month is left before the main event of this year in Turkmenistan - the 30th anniversary of independence, and this holiday is celebrated with us by our friends and partners abroad, including in Europe. Recently, events dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the independence of Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan were held in Romania. Organized on the initiative of TURKSOY and the Embassy of Kazakhstan, the action introduced the inhabitants of the city of Craiova to the historical and natural landscapes, traditions and way of life of our peoples, their musical and culinary culture.

Photo exhibitions “30 years of independence of Kazakhstan” and “30 years of independence of Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan” gave visitors a clear idea of the life and achievements of their peoples over the years of independence. Art lovers from Craiova had the opportunity to listen to melodies performed on traditional musical instruments. The event ended with a concert “Inspiration from the Turkic World”, where artists from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkey and Turkmenistan presented their art.

In recent years, Turkmenistan and Romania have shown a mutual desire to expand fruitful cooperation in the trade, economic, transport and energy spheres, as well as successfully develop cultural and humanitarian contacts. Dozens of Turkmen students study in various cities of Romania: at the Polytechnic University of Bucharest, the Ploiesti Oil and Gas University, three universities of the city of Cluj-Napoca - the Babes-Boyai University, the Technical University and the University of Medicine and Pharmacy. 

Ogulgozel Rejepova