Ï Glorifying our homeland in paintings

Glorifying our homeland in paintings

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Glorifying our homeland in paintings
Glorifying our homeland in paintings
Glorifying our homeland in paintings
Glorifying our homeland in paintings
Glorifying our homeland in paintings
Glorifying our homeland in paintings
Glorifying our homeland in paintings
Glorifying our homeland in paintings
Glorifying our homeland in paintings
Glorifying our homeland in paintings
Glorifying our homeland in paintings
Glorifying our homeland in paintings
Glorifying our homeland in paintings
Glorifying our homeland in paintings

The love of the Turkmen painters to our Homeland is reflected in the paintings of exhibition dedicated to the 30th to anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan, opened in the Exhibition center of our capital.

A painting “Novruz” by Natalya Kalugina, presented in the center of the exhibition hall, pictures a wonderful time of year when air is fresh and is sweet with the odours of dainty flowers of apricot.

In her other painting “Way to mausoleum of Magtym Agzam” (people called him Magtym Mazem) Natalya Pavlovna showed a place forsaken in the lilac Karakala mountain with an ancient monument and path beaten by pilgrims. Magtym Mazem was a skillful healer and to the memory of him people collected money and bult mausoleum, it began to destroy after 500 years, but people collected money again and restored it.

Up to the present day many people visit this place and pray for healing. The way to the holy place is shown in the picture.

In her “The day is dawning” painting a landscape begins from the mountain river and near it there are rocks, one higher than other, and on top of them the clouds appear as if they watch over the work of the painter woman.

Painter Berdisahet Gurbansahedov provided to the exhibition a series of his works about Caspian Sea. This painter manages to reproduce an atmosphere of fast-changing sea. This time the painter “inhabited” his pictures with the graceful high-spirited group of white swans at sea.

The Caspian is presented in the work by Chokan Chokanov “Sea-scape” as well, but in different style. The pretentious arty-crafty sea wave resembles an illustration of fairy tale.

The painting of Rustam Abdullayev “Dream” unknowingly call attention of audience. Tiny little child and puppy, tired of playing, went to their dreams in the yard. Due to its fascination the picture attracts all visitors of exhibition.

In the picture “Family life” by Berdi Charyyev, a gray-brown background of painting melts the plasterer and wall.

“Composition” is one of three paintings of Juma Aman Durdy provided in the exhibition. Due to their originality the pictures of this painter draw attention of the painting lovers. Because Juma Aman Durdy worked in the style of suprematism created by Kazimir Malevich 100 years ago. He expressed environment in his pictures through the harmony of geometric figures.

The exhibited paintings present different styles and genres of classic and modern art, and show a wide range of the creation styles of the painters.

Tamara Glazunova

  Photo by: Aleksey Gimalitdinov