Ï History and dream of Turkmen people about the state

History and dream of Turkmen people about the state

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History and dream of Turkmen people about the state
History and dream of Turkmen people about the state
History and dream of Turkmen people about the state
History and dream of Turkmen people about the state
History and dream of Turkmen people about the state
History and dream of Turkmen people about the state
History and dream of Turkmen people about the state
History and dream of Turkmen people about the state
History and dream of Turkmen people about the state
History and dream of Turkmen people about the state
History and dream of Turkmen people about the state
History and dream of Turkmen people about the state
History and dream of Turkmen people about the state
History and dream of Turkmen people about the state

The on-stage performance group of the National Drama Theatre named after Alp Arslan prepared to the 30th anniversary of independence of our country “Way of Turkmen” after the same drama of Gadam Kakabayev. Interestingly, the writer is of the same age as the independence of Turkmenistan, he is 30 too. Maybe this is why a prologue to the play was chosen a work-room of the writer, where he spends sleepless nights, working on the handwriting, where the life of several generations of Turkmen is reflected.

The play consists of several independent parts, connected with each other by the patriotic theme. The central character of the first part is famous Bayram han. In honour of this fair-minded ruler there is still an honorary arc Bayram han in India.

Turkmenistan and India are justly proud of the prominent son of Turkmen people Bayram han - the known statesman, poet, commander, philosopher. Being great at military art, Bayram han preferred to solve problems by diplomatic means, without firing a single shot. The citizens of Turkmenistan raised a monument to their glorious predecessor in the capital square, which front on Makhtumkuli avenue.

An actor Hudayberen Annarejepov played the part of Bayram han.

A theme of another part of the play is a disunity of the Turkmen tribes and, consequentially, intertribal strife, plundering inroads. It prostrated the Turkmen people, who dream about the unified state of Turkmen. All tribes of Turkmen were ready for unifying, however, behind whom to unit – it was sore subject for the leaders of each tribe.

As late as in XX century the dream of Turkmen about the state was achieved, first, as part of the union of republics, and 30 years ago Turkmenistan became a sovereign independent state. All this took part at the stage in the artistic form, based on the histories from life of the ply heroes.

As a final, note was reading by the writer of the book of our President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov «Sovereign way of Turkmen», where very exactly are presented the popular aspirations and achievement of many-centuries dream of Turkmen as well as plea for every citizen of Turkmenistan to strengthen our neutral and independent State by their work and talent.

Epilogue: in the early morning hours, when the author marked the decisive end to his work, entered his mother entered his room. Her son read extracts from his new historic drama.

- So it was, my son, and so it is, - praised his work the writer’s mother.

The play “Way of Turkmen” – is the second work of the author, which Gadam Kakabayev proposed to the Drama Theatre named after Alp Arslan. His first stage play -

«Seyitnazar Seydi” tells about the public activity of poet, his desire to unify the isolated Turkmen tribes. By these two works of the author, it can be determined the historical prefers of the author.

The play “Way of Turkmen” was staged by the honoured artist of Turkmenistan Handurdy Berdiyev and Batyr Kakabayev. The stage-designer Mekan Annamuradov has managed to create atmosphere of events from life of Turkmen people in different periods. About 40 actors are involved in the play.

Tamara Glazunova