Ï Stella Faramazova: being devoted to the service of art, we serve our Motherland

Stella Faramazova: being devoted to the service of art, we serve our Motherland

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Virtually no one concert is arranged in the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kulieva without an accompanier Stella Faramazova, laureate of international concerts. She is well-known among the lovers of classic music, who fills the Great Hall of conservatory, in order to enjoy once again the harmony of compositions of the talented Turkmen and West European composers. The awarding of the favourite pianist with medal “For the love of the Fatherland” became the cheering news including for the audience.

- It was one of the most joyful days for me – my labour was highly valued by the government of our country, – Stella Vladimirovna shared her emotions. – I want to express cordial thanks to the leader of the nation, and to wish him sound health and every success in his activity for the sake of prosperity of our Fatherland.

- Stella Vladimirovnaon behalf of our readers, many of whom familiar with your creative work, we congratulate You with the double holiday - 30th anniversary of independence of Turkmenistan and awarding You with a medal “For the love of the Fatherland”. Using an opportunity, we kindly ask you to tell something about yourself to the admirers of Your talent – how You touched the black and white keys for the first time, and when you realized that their “magic” compliance – is Your fortune.

- I was born and raised in the musical family: one of my aunts excellently sang, another - accompanied her. When I grew a little, a controversy arose between them: one wanted to make vocalist of me, another – pianist. The pianist won. At the age of six she brought me to the Republican Music School (today the Specialized children’s boarding school at conservatory). The choice of my aunt defined my fortune: beginning from the first classes I realized that music – it Is for the entire life. Back at that time I knew that I will be a professional pianist, maybe therefor I was very diligent learner.

I graduated conservatory, then I just got plain lucky to do a 2-year internship on a class of the accompanist art with professor Aleksandr Anatolyevich Starikov. It was a true school of the musician, artist, true character. More than 35 years I teach in the Department of the chamber – ensemble music-making of the conservatory and lead an active accompanist activity, arrange and participate in the concerts, performing the music of the Turkmen, West European and Russian composers.

- Stella Vladimirovna, for the wide range of audience You are known as the accompanier, however, your pedagogic activity is somewhat unknown for us. Tell us about your students, please.

- I teach the accompanist art in the Department of the chamber – ensemble music-making, and every day I meet the talented youth, who are at their best in music classes. However talented the musician may be, it is impossible to make meaningful progress without the patient work and devotion. Among my best-loved followers are Aybolek Mukhieva and Jamal Agajanova, and not only I, but whole conservatory, take great pride in them, because they often become the laureates in many international competitions.

- And the last question. Who is Your favourite composer?

- The musicians have no constantly favourite composers. Today Bach and Brahms are favourite for me, and tomorrow - Nury Halmamedov and Danatar Ovezov. Every composer is an individual world with their spirits, sound colors, intonations. Therefore, the favourite composer for me is one whose composition I perform.

- And at the end what would You say to the readers of “GA” newspaper?

- There are two sacred concepts for every person – the parents and Motherland. Being devoted to the service of art, we serve our Motherland.

Interview conducted Tamara Glazunova

 Photo: Aleksey Gimalitdinov