Ï The best specialists were chosen among the librarians of Turkmenistan

The best specialists were chosen among the librarians of Turkmenistan

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The results of the previously announced creative competition "Türkmenistan milli Lider bilen parahatçylyk we ösüş ýolunda" ("Turkmenistan on the path of peace and development with a national Leader"), held for librarians of Turkmenistan, have been summed up.

Competitions among specialists from regional, central district, city libraries and library branches were organized by the State Library, the National Center of Trade Unions and the Ministry of Culture of Turkmenistan.

According to the terms of the competition, which consisted of seven main criteria, during the year, librarians held creative evenings, meetings with librarians, poets and labor veterans through digital video communication. The tests also included public speeches, a review of the books of the distinguished President of Turkmenistan dedicated to the 25th anniversary of neutrality and the 30th anniversary of the country's independence.

The winners were determined from the multitude of contestants.

The winner of the first place was Dursun Muradova (State Library of Turkmenistan), the second place was taken by Leila Annamuradova (State Children's Library of Turkmenistan named after B. Amanov), Maya Akmammedova (Centralized library system of management of culture of the city of Ashgabat named after Makhtumkuli) closed the top three.

The winners of the creative competition "Türkmenistan milli Lider bilen parahatçylyk we ösüş ýolunda" were awarded diplomas of the Ministry of Culture and valuable gifts from the National Center of Trade Unions of Turkmenistan.

We talked about the library and the profession of a librarian with one of the winners, Leila Annamuradova. As a young professional, she has been working in the children's library since 2007, and admits that she loves her job with all her heart.

- Our work is very interesting, - says Leila. - By the nature of their work, librarians often communicate with guests of libraries, find out the preferences and tastes of the readership. We are always up to date with the events of the book world. And if someone thinks that a librarian is someone who sits in a beautiful building with a book in his hands, then this is far from the case. On an ongoing basis, librarians organize field creative meetings. With cultural and educational events, we visit schools, and during the summer and winter holidays we go to children's recreation camps, we participate in professional competitions for librarians.

More than once Leila Annamuradova became the winner of such competitions. At the same time, the librarian writes articles that are published in the press, conducts creative evenings with young readers, trying to make every meeting with the book and its author interesting and memorable.

- To become a librarian, you need to have not only a special education, but also have a special love for the chosen profession, - the young specialist concludes.

Svetlana Chirtsova