Ï Vladimir Nikolayevich Sapegin: pianist, who felt the Turkmen music

Vladimir Nikolayevich Sapegin: pianist, who felt the Turkmen music

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Vladimir Nikolayevich Sapegin: pianist, who felt the Turkmen music

A concert dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Vladimir Nikolayevich Sapegin, one of the first of accompaniers of Turkmenistan, was held on 27 October in Small Hall of the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kulieva.

A solemn event opened Maral Meredova, a lecturer of the chamber band department of conservatory. She told the audience about the creative career of the talented pianist.

Vladimir Nikolayevich was born on 17 April, 1910 in Orenburg city. Having working experience in the Azerbaijanian theatre, Sapegin in 1933 arrived to Turkmenistan. Here the talented accompanier continued his creative career in «Turkmneradio». The artist improved his skills working as a tapeur, and then he took a try as an orchestrator.

In 1941, from the first days of opening the Turkmen State Theatre of Opera and Ballet, Sapegin worked there as the accompanier.

Vladimir Nikolayevich devoted about half a century to the propaganda and development of the Turkmen music art.

The People’s Artists of USSR Maya Kulieva and Medeniyet Shahberdiyeva gave a glowing account of the pianist. Kuliyeva thought, that Sapegin had a unique sense to feel the Turkmen national music, and Shahberdiyeva stated, that the accompanier, who excellently understood the specific of voice, enriched the harmony of many folk songs, making them more beautiful and melodious.

Working with Danatar Ovezov, Veli Muhatov, Nury Halmamedov, Chary Nurymov and many other talented authors, Sapegin always strived for creation of the nice ensemble union.

The pianist left this world in 1980, but the memory of him still lives in the hearts of those who at a young age had the good fortune to perform with this wonderful performer.

After the speech of Meredove, the People’s Artist of Turkmenistan Orazgul Annamyradova performed «Nocturne in C-sharp Minor» by Frederic Chopin 

to the memory not only of Vladimir Nikolayevich, but also of his talented son Yevgeniy Vladimirovich Sapegin.

Then the singer Maral Meredova performed several musical numbers. The audience also enjoyed the duet of People's Artist of Turkmenistan Atajan Berdyev and Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Vladimir Mkrtumov. The artist performed Garib's arioso from the opera «Shasenem and Garib» by Danatar Ovezov and Adrian Shaposhnikov.

After the audience applauded the artists, singer Murad Divanaev shared his memories of working with Vladimir Nikolaevich in a video message to the audience.

He told that while still a very young man, while recording for a television program, he suddenly discovered that he had forgotten the notes of the piece, which he was supposed to perform to the accompaniment of Sapegin. Vladimir Nikolaevich asked the young man not to worry and assured that he remembers all the notes by heart. And the performance went well.

The final concerted numbers were: the performance by the first year student of conservatory Shaislam Kamiljanov «Prelude E flat minor» by Rachmaninoff and performed for audience by the teacher of Shaislam, Vladimir Mkrtumov, «Fantasia in D minor» by Mozart.

Roman Teplyakov
Photo: Aleksey Gimalitdinov