Ï Film about timeless values

Film about timeless values

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Film about timeless values

Exactly half century ago, in 1971 a film “Over the river – border” came out in the country; it was screened in “Turkmenfilm” Film Studio by the leading figure of the Turkmen theatre and cinematography Alty Karliyev. Alty Karliyev often used for scripts of his films the works of Turkmen and Russian writers. As a literary basis of the film “Over the river – border” he took a novel “Barchans” by Oleg Smirnov, who for the first time debuted as one of the authors of script together with Alty Karliyev and David Matkish.

The film “Over the river – border” is about the timeless spiritual and moral values: patriotism, love and faith, duty and honour. They are expressed through the history of loving couple – Ata and Leyli, whose feelings were brought to the hard test, when a young man was going to military service, to guard the sacred borders of Motherland. His beautiful beloved kept faith with soldier and waited till his return, in spite of courtship of young postgraduate, who proposed to her. At the end of the film Ata and Leyli promenade in the same streets where they walked before separation.

The key roles in the film played Ata Alovov and Leyla Abukova. It is remarkable, that such famous soviet actresses as Lyudmila Khityayeva and Zoya Fedorova screened in the film.

Ogulgozel Rejepova