Ï Gift from the descendants of the great poet

Gift from the descendants of the great poet

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Gift from the descendants of the great poet

The branch of the museum of the great Turkmen poet Makhtumkuli Fraghi in his native village Gerkez of the Makhtumkuli etrap of the Balkan velayat is known not only in our country, but also abroad. Since the opening of the museum in 1983, it remains the most visited place among the poet's admirers. It was visited by poets, writers, translators, translating Makhtumkuli's poems into other languages, as well as Makhtumkulveda. The museum is attractive because there are many exhibits related to the life and work of the poet, as well as many items reflecting the life and culture of the era in which Makhtumkuli lived. A large exposition is made up of gifts from admirers of the poet's work.

Among the exhibits of the museum, special attention was drawn to an old pile less carpet- kilim, decorated with ancient Turkmen patterns. Its length is 2.75 m, width is 1.60 m. In the registration journal of the museum there is an entry that this beautiful carpet product was donated in 1983 by Lyalya Myratgeldieva, a resident of the Makhtumkuli etrap. And this is where the fun begins! It turns out that Lyalya Myratgeldieva comes from the direct descendants of the classic poet of Turkmen literature Gurbandurdy Zelili. Scientists studying the genealogy of Makhtumkuli Fraghi have established that Gurbandurdy Zelili was born by Makhtumkuli's nephew, and the napless carpet was woven by his wife Nury eje.

According to information that has come down to us, Nury eje lived between 1794-1878. She was a skilled craftswoman, known far beyond the borders of her village. She weaved this carpet when she was twenty-five years old. The carpet was carefully kept in their family, passed down from generation to generation as a family heirloom.

Several centuries have passed since she weaved it, and it has been in the museum for almost forty years. But, despite this, the carpet, surprising visitors with its unusual history, looks quite impressive, which is inherent in ancient and at the same time forever young products of Turkmen carpet weaving.

Meretgylych Yagmyrov