Ï Yelaman Hummaev: the unfading star of the Turkmen vocalist

Yelaman Hummaev: the unfading star of the Turkmen vocalist

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Yelaman Hummaev: the unfading star of the Turkmen vocalist
Alexey Gimalitdinov

At the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Mai Kuliyeva hosted a dedication concert to the People's Artist of Turkmenistan Yelaman Khummaev, who would have celebrated his 100th birthday on November 10 this year. Before entering the Great Hall, listeners were awaited by an exhibition of published articles about this unique vocalist of Turkmenistan.

The dedication concert was opened by the rector of the conservatory, candidate of art history Rasul Amangeldyev. And then the audience was offered a documentary film "Unfading Star" about the life and work of Yelaman Khummaev, which used valuable archival footage of the windows of his home, the entrance to the former building of the Theater of Opera and Ballet, fragments from operas with the participation of the legendary singer and, most importantly, his preserved audio recording a strong and beautiful voice.

The presenter of the concert, Bakhargul Yakubova, head of the department of history of music, announced only three vocal compositions, but what kind! The song "Das galdy" was dedicated to Yelaman Khummaev by the composer Rejep Rejepov. And it was performed by the magnificent lyric tenor Begench Moshchiev.

Garib's aria from the opera "Shasenem and Garib" by Danatar Ovezov and Adrian Shaposhnikov, the one in which Yelaman Hummaev shone at one time, was performed by Rovshen Bayramov. Begench Moshchiev again appeared on the stage with Alexander Varlamov's song "Along the street a blizzard is sweeping". With this song, Yelaman Khummaev had an amazing incident. Once a group of Russian women stopped him in the street and confessed to the singer that they "literally melt" from his performance of the song "Blizzard Sweeps Along the Street." And the singer, going to meet his fans, performed it right on the street, gathering a crowd of passers-by around. Begench Moshchiev, repeating his predecessor Yelaman Khummaev, also made the listeners melt with the tenderness of his voice.

A dance gift for the legendary vocalist from the Turkmen State Musical College named after Danatar Ovezov had two issues with TNK. The ensemble under the direction of choreographer Nargul Pursianova performed the Piala dance from the Zohre-Takhir opera by Veli Mukhadov and Adrian Shaposhnikov. "Festive Dance" from the opera "Abadan" by Ashir Kuliyev and Yuliy Meitus was performed by the ensemble of choreographers Gulbahar Musaeva and Oraz Gylydzhov. In both operas Yelaman Khummaev played leading roles in the 1940s and early 1950s.

At the end of the dedication evening, the daughter of Elaman Khummaeva, Honored Worker of Arts of Turkmenistan Guzel Khummaeva, shared her memories with the audience of her father, who died early.