Ï At the piano Erdzhel Yakshimuradov

At the piano Erdzhel Yakshimuradov

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At  the piano Erdzhel Yakshimuradov

In Turkmenistan, great attention has always been paid to the moral, cultural, educational and physical development of youth. Dear President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov has repeatedly stressed that one of the essential conditions for the country's prosperity is to educate the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism, humanism and hard work. To this end, Turkmenistan creates the most favorable conditions for young people to receive modern education and participate in the public life of the country.

One of the talented representatives of the younger generation is Erdzhel Yaksimuradov, a first-year student of the piano department of the Maya Kuliyeva Turkmen National Conservatory. At a concert that took place a few days ago  he performed three compositions for the public, and after the concert he spoke about himself:

- The ear for music in our family is not only mine. My older brothers Siyakhat and Shovly and sisters Pyakize and Bibi, in addition to the usual, went to a music school. I also began to visit her at the age of 7. Orazmamedova Larisa Illarionovna became my first teacher. She taught me the basics of musical literacy and instilled in me a love of playing the piano. After graduating from the children's music school No. 1, having decided to link my life with concert activities, in order to further acquire new knowledge about music, I entered the Special Music Boarding School at the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Mai Kuliyeva. My sister, Pyakise, prepared me for admission, who had been with me at home from my earliest childhood. And now she helps me with advice, because Pyakise has been a concertmaster for almost six years.

Having successfully passed the exams, I met excellent teachers at school: Ida Grigorievna Osipova, who taught me to play the piano, Elmira Rashidovna Aksenova, a harmony teacher, and other wonderful teachers. Especially during the period of study I liked to play the piano piece "Sounds of the Dutar" and "Elegiac Prelude and Fugue" by Nury Khalmamedov. Of the foreign authors, Frederic Chopin is closer to me than others, whose music captivates with its melody, subtlety and brightness of images.

Together with friends Arslan Nobatov, Kirill Lebedev, Charyar Ataberdiev and Kerim Kurbannazarov, we became students of the Maya Kuliyeva Turkmen National Conservatory in September this year. Now I especially like the lessons in which I, together with the violinist and violist, perform various works.

It's not just music that fascinates me; I devote my free time to playing checkers and chess, judo and reading. In my creative plans - until the important date for all citizens of Turkmenistan on December 12, to learn "Sonata in C sharp minor" by Danatar Hydyrov.

Despite the fact that I have already performed on stage and even am a laureate of the competition held in 2016, the concert on November 9, where I performed Czerny's Toccata, Mendelssohn's Etude in A minor and Bach's two three-part inventions, made me experience slight excitement. Because there my teachers were present in the hall. After the concert, our teacher, Honored Artist of Turkmenistan Vladimir Mkrtumov praised me for performing the etude. His appreciation for my work and the applause of the audience were truly the best reward for me.