Ï 16 concerts as a present for students on the occasion of the Day of Neutrality

16 concerts as a present for students on the occasion of the Day of Neutrality

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16 concerts as a present for students on the occasion of the Day of Neutrality

A string band conducted by Tahir Atayev prepared for students of the capital the music present to the Day of Neutrality – musicians and soloists will perform with a holiday concert program in all Ashgabat higher educational institutions.

This project has already started – in five from 16 higher educational institutions the holiday concert was already held. The students of the Turkmen State University named after Makhtumkuli, Institutes of International Relations, of National Economy, of Oil and Gas, of Border Service enthusiastically applauded the audience's favorite Dovran Shammyev, who performed with songs from repertory of Michael Jackson and Queen Band, and violinist Bahram Dolyev, who fairly performed the fragments from the cycle «The Four Seasons» by Antonio Vivaldi.

No one in the hall is left indifferent by the performance of the teacher of the conservatory Kakajan Hudayberdyev, reverently conveying on the saxophone the charm of the song «Corelle Whisper».

Regardless the profile of the educational institutions, the musicians got an enthusiastic reception. The concert program was drawn up so that every item finds its fans in the audience. The songs «Nocturne» from repertory of Muslim Magomayev, «Ashgabat», without which not a single concert of Murad Sadykov took place, were performed. The concert program ended with the patriotic song «Neutrality» by Bayram Hudaynazarov.

- Actually, it was the song «Neutrality», that motivated us to organize the project of concerts covering all institutes of the capital, - Tahir Atayev said in an interview for our newspaper. – Who, if not young people, are in awe of the modern stage. And everywhere we get audience feedback, which inspires us in our work. And for aspiring soloists such as Mansur Sharipov, Humay Kakayeva, Tazegul Bayramova and others, perforing in front of students is a good practice to hone artistic skill and interaction with the audience in the audience. In other words, young people on stage and young people in the audience find points of mutual understanding.

Plans for the future? Of course, we have. For fans of our creativity, we prepare the holiday program to the New Year. It is also a very interesting project.