Ï Bronze portrait of Fyodor Dostoevsky was presented in Turkmenistan

Bronze portrait of Fyodor Dostoevsky was presented in Turkmenistan

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Bronze portrait of Fyodor Dostoevsky was presented in Turkmenistan

To commemorate 200th anniversary of the classics of world literature Fyodor Mikhaylovich Dostoevsky, UNESCO declared 2021 the Year of Dostoevsky. 

It just so happened that it is in this period the Turkmen master of the relief sculpture Alekstandr Kashirsky completed his work on the bronze portrait of Fyodor Dostoevsky. The relief sculpture was presented in the exhibition dedicated to the celebration of the neutrality of Turkmenistan.

People are keenly interested in the work of the writer in our country, studying not only his artistic heritage, but also the deep personality of the famous thinker, philosopher and publicist. We talked about the anniversary of Fyodor Mikhailovich and the relevance of his works in the modern world with the author of the bronze portrait, Alexander Kashirsky.

– It is no coincidence that I added a quote from the world encyclopedia to my creative work: «Dostoevsky – the classics of world literature, according to UNESCO, one of the most widely read writers in the world». I always read his books with great pleasure, his novel «Poor people remains one of his most magnificent creations for me. In 1070-es I visited the tomb of Fyodor Dostoevsky in Saint-Petersburg, where the sculptural – architectural monument to novelist from bronze and granite is installed. Maybe then the desire arose in me to devote one of my works to Fyodor Mikhaylovich.

The image of Dostoevsky, created by the Turkmen master, is a n aggregated. In his face, both a difficult fate and the trials accompanying him throughout his life are guessed, which, it is worth admitting, only strengthened the life-affirming principle of the great writer’s work.

– The literature heritage of Dostoevsky still touches people, because love, deceit and other human passions on earth have not yet been canceled, – continues Alexander Kashirsky. – A man of gambling by nature, the writer even sublimated his vices into creativity. Trying to convey his entire earthly path in one portrait, I decided to add a small metaphor to my work - a pyracantha twig, or a fiery thorn. The bright fruits of the bush embody the suffering that befell the classic, and the green foliage is like a hope for a return to spiritual origins 

The master's collection contains about 40 sculptural reliefs dedicated to outstanding personalities of Turkmenistan and the world, among them are sculptures from bronze and metal of the Turkmen painter Byashim Nurali, writer Kayum Tangrakuliyev, composer Veli Muhatov, and Frederic Chopin, Niccolo Paganini and Edvard Grieg. Now one more unusual creation will be added to them - a bronze portrait of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.