Ï The Turkmen painters - to the Neutrality Day of our country

The Turkmen painters - to the Neutrality Day of our country

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The Turkmen painters - to the Neutrality Day of our country
Aleksey Gimalitdinov

The Turkmen painters celebrate the red calendar date - Day of Neutrality with great creative enthusiasm: all two floors of the capital’s Exhibition center were filled with the заполнили canvases smelling of paint, arousing the true interest of professionals and amateurs of painting. Bright colors, many genres and styles, various themes - works for every taste.

On the first floor I was impressed most of all by two pictures– «Lilac» and «Three comrades». The «Lilac» painting Kerim Orazberdyev peformed in photo-realism style. In the clear water the lilac stem is refracted many times in accordance with the edges of the glass, it looks very impressive in the picture. In addition, the artist managed to "settle" grace and freshness in his canvas, which hold the eyes of visitors for a long time.

The painting “Three comrades” by Berdysahet Kurbansahetov is very interesting. The author imaged the faces of three friends, different in character, but united by strong male friendship. Berdysahet “primed” the picture with a thin layer of ocher, which, here and there, remind “takyrs”, thus, apparently, the author emphasized the involvement of friends in the desert. The picture attracts with the psychological character of each hero of the canvas and an interesting visual presentation.

Rahman Umarov exhibited his new work “Melody”. A boy learns with inspiration playing the ancient music instrument - tuyduk. In the picture, in Umarov’s way, everything is subject to the beauty of the process: touching pose of a young musician, gentle combination of colors, vertical shape of the canvas.

Work of Kurban Babatajev “Struggle” looks contrasting on the background of the harmonious beauty of other paintings. The artist captured on the canvas the moment of a fierce struggle between two predators for the property of prey. The eyes of a leopard and a falcon sparkle with fire, sharp claws are ready to plunge into the enemy with a dagger. Each of their predators prefers to die, but not to give up their trophy. Well, is it really possible for the indifferent to pass by such passions?!

Tajegul Gurbanova surprised the exhibition visitors; she exhibited the thematic koshma (felt carpet) with the poetic title « Tales of the Karakum wind». The bright colors, which the artist embodied in the dunes, very accurately reflect the gusts of the wind, "telling" breathtaking tales. This koshma the painter dedicated to the outstanding composer Rejep Rejepov, who conceived an opera for children titled "Tales of the Karakum wind", but did not manage to realize it.

Polat Mamiyev presented in the exhibition the sculpture – «Treasures of Turkmen culture». Nury Halmamedov, Kurbannazar Ezizov and Atageldy Garyagdyev – composer, poet and vocalist, into each of which the heavens breathed a brilliant message. In an interview Atageldy Garyagdyev recalled the first time he, a music college student with velvet baritone, was introduced by Nury Halmamedov to Kurbannazar Ezizov. It darkened in eyes of Atageldy Garyagdyev, from the one with whom he is next to and on an equal footing! Polat Mamiyev exactly combined in one work three favorites of Turkmen people.

«Oguzs» - such title gave to his work the sculpturer Klychmyrad Yarmamedov. The barefoot youth, dexterously riding Akhalteke horse, personifies the whole glorious epoch of oguzs. The aggregated image of the rider, which included daring, agility and absolute possession of the horse, became the characteristic of the artist of an entire era, which went down in the history of the Turkmen as an epoch of oguzs.

The exhibition, dedicated to the Neutrality holiday, brought great aesthetic pleasure of everybody who visited it.